Reference no: EM132303361
Answer should be between 2 and 2½ typed, double-spaced pages. Do NOT go over 3 pages for an answer (or avoid this space limit by using tiny, tiny type.) For those of you who have trouble writing 2 pages, remember to include details.
If you work as a team, put the names of both team members on the front page of the question 1, left-hand corner. Each team member should put his or her name at the top of the first page of his or her individual answer for Question 2. Staple each answer separately; do not even think of handing in a pile of loose pages!
Do not plagiarize! I don't require formal citations for this exam for things I would expect you to know if it were a sit-down exam. However, any direct quote from your text or the Cahill, et al reader MUST use quotation marks and be credited with the last name of the author(s) and the page number. Failure to do this will result in a zero on the exam.
1. team or individual question Select one of your readings in the Cahill, et. al. book assigned since the last exam, that you find noteworthy. Explain the reading, being sure to include the key points. Tell why you find that reading noteworthy. Don't forget to let me know which reading you've chosen.
The book name:
Cahill, Spencer E, Kent Sandstrom, and Carissa Froyum. 2014. Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology. 8th ed. New York: Oxford University Press.*