Tell us about a company that used some form

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131813845

Do some research, or draw from your own experience, and tell us about a company that used some form of information technology for STRATEGIC purposes.

Please be sure to tell us what the strategy was that they were working toward.

There are many examples in the textbook, and our discussion will be much richer if you select something that is not covered there.

Be sure you're not just discussing their business strategy but also including the use of information technology to enable that strategy.

Searching on a company's mission and strategic goals can help you align the pieces.

Reference no: EM131813845

Questions Cloud

Problem on fish tissue mercury levels : A county environmental agency suspects that the fish in a particular polluted lake have elevated mercury level.
Why operations management is critical to success of business : Explain why operations management is critical to the success of a business. Why would developing an Internet-based business require different operations?
Discount to nav the day after the initial public offering : If this fund sells at a 5 percent discount to NAV the day after the initial public offering, what is the value of your investment?
Determine the amount of annual depreciation : A storage tank acquired at the beginning of the fiscal year at a cost of $79,200. Determine the amount of annual depreciation by the straight-line method
Tell us about a company that used some form : Do some research, or draw from your own experience, and tell us about a company that used some form of information technology for STRATEGIC purposes.
Problem-develope a genetically modified tomato plant : A genetic engineering company claims that it has developed a genetically modified tomato plant that yields on average more tomatoes than other varieties.
Attachment and prosocial behaviour in young children : Attachment and prosocial behaviour in young children - Search the library for scholarly articles that provide further information about your chosen concept
Identify external forces that organizations face : In a 1 page paper, identify external forces that organizations face. A minimum of 2 scholarly resources required. APA Format. Include in-text citations.
Compute overhead costs as a percent of direct materials : Brimful Corp incurred the following manufacturing costs this period: direct labor, $912000; Compute overhead costs as a percent of (1) direct labor


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