Tell a compelling story using data visualisation

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM132545111

Question. A web-hosted (e.g. Plotly, RPub,, Youtube) data visualisation/app/video/slideshow etc. (see below)

You must include a reference to your data source(s) in the online assignment!

A PDF or Word document containing your student name, student number, URL to your published assignment and all the code used for Assignment 3. This document does not need to be knitted.

Questions about Assignment 3?

Failure to meet the submission requirements will incur a late penalty and delay your feedback.

Assignment Instructions

The goal of Assignment 3 is simple. Tell a compelling story using data visualisation. What story you tell and how you tell it is up to you. The only constraints are detailed below.

Assignment 3 must be based on open or public data. Ensure you include a reference to your data source(s) in the assignment.

Create ONE of the following: video, dashboard, application, slideshow/storyboard, interactive plot OR a static plot. Reports are NOT permitted. How you tell the story is up to you. However, the following restrictions apply:
o Videos and animation: 3 minutes maximum
o Dashboards/apps/single plots/faceted plots/multiple plots etc: One HD screen
o Slideshow/storyboards: 10 transitions/slides
Your assignment must be hosted online and publically accessible using a URL (e.g. Plotly, RPubs,, YouTube etc.)

Reference no: EM132545111

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