Technology sourcing and internal innovation

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13751034

You have a choice to use either an existing company or a fictitious company(Please use a real company). In either case, the Project is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for the company.

The Plan will have 7 sections. The 6 sections will reflect each of the 6 TCOs plus a bibliography. Each section will be 2 - 3 pages in standard business proposal format.

The sections are:


Core Competencies

Industry Dynamics

Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation

Product Development Strategy

Strategy to protect innovations

A bibliography listing your references for the project.

Reference no: EM13751034

Questions Cloud

Explain why you chose the specific technique : Explain why you chose the specific technique(s) and why it is important in your current profession or in another type of organization. Predict negative consequences that could occur if you do not apply your chosen concept(s). Support your viewpoin..
Write an essay on the quran and prophet muhammad : Write an essay on The Quran, Prophet Muhammad and The Five Pillars of Islam. Topic documents include: textbook and online short readings, PowerPoint slides and videos and video synopses.
Describe an incremental cash flow for a project : Describe an incremental cash flow for a project. Describe three (3) concepts we need to examine to help understand how to estimate the incremental cash flow of a project.
How will you resolve the cybercrime : You are the chief information security officer (CISO) for VL Bank as depicted in the attached "VL Bank Case Study." How will you resolve the cybercrime
Technology sourcing and internal innovation : You have a choice to use either an existing company or a fictitious company(Please use a real company). Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation and Product Development Strategy
What do you think are the likely consequences of the risk : What do you think are the likely consequences of the risk and What do you think is the likelihood of the risk occurring
Bonnie charitable contributions : Bonnie's charitable contributions and AGI for the past four years were as follows:
Find the first tcp handshake : Find the first TCP handshake. What are the packet numbers in the handshake? The three packet numbers and What is the IP address of the host that started the handshake
An international business compete more effectively : How can an efficient logistics function help an international business compete more effectively in the global marketplace


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