Technology and the future in health care

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Reference no: EM131714569

Discussion Post and Assignment

Background for Both Discussion Post and Assignment

Biological, mechanical, and information technologies offer leaders tools that enable them to achieve organizational goals with greater product and service quality, leapfrog competitors in the market, and create new markets. Sometimes leaders decide to adopt evolving and innovative technologies that are in early development cycles and other times they make deliberate decisions not to be early adopters. These may include, but are not limited to, biometric and wearable devices, cloud-based applications, voice recognition technologies, or genomics directed at personalized medicine models. Regardless, it is the responsibility of the organizational leader to understand emerging technology capabilities and assess where these capabilities might enable their strategic imperatives and make their organization more effective. This constant scanning of the environment is an important part of strategic leadership thinking.

Keep in mind emerging technology advancements in health span the breadth of not only information technology but also advancements in biological sciences. For example, developments in molecular science and genetics offer capabilities to personalize medical practice through the use of both bio bank and electronic health record information. Customized pharmaceuticals and nanotechnologies offer unique ways to deliver therapies. While many new technologies offer novel innovations, advances in information technology such as cloud storage serve leaders by significantly reducing infrastructure costs.

This week you are asked to select and discuss an emerging trend in biological or information technology. You will be assessing your own and your colleagues' views on how these trends can affect significant change in the health sector.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
- Create a presentation for recommending a Health Information System for a health care organization
- Evaluate the strategic alignment of various emerging health technologies

1. Discussion Topic: Technology and the Future in Health Care-Transformational Trends and Forces

In this Discussion you are asked to select an emerging technology and evaluate its cost-effectiveness and potential adoption. Many novel technologies require significant rethinking of current workflows, roles, culture, and financial models. You are asked to consider how the technology you chose affects these aspects of the current health ecosystem. Likewise, leaders must also consider that some emerging technologies completely lack a financial policy framework.

To prepare:
Assess an emerging technology trend in the Learning Resources or one that you prefer to research on your own.


Select one emerging trend in the health care and/or health care technology industry. What are three take-a-ways from this course that you could use to implement this trend?

Given the financial alignment models in the health care industry today, would this technology be readily accepted and cost justified? If yes, explain. If no, what changes in financing policy would have to occur to deem this technology sustainable?

Final Project Topic: Health Information Systems-Recommendation for the Acquisition, Implementation, and Support of a Health Information System

PowerPoint Presentation: Health Information Technology to Address the Continuum of Care

Once choosing a scenario from the Learning Resources you will develop a PowerPoint presentation to provide an overview of how information technology will address issues in that organization(s)/setting. You understand that for such an expensive and complex recommendation, in-depth research must be conducted along with a high level leadership plan as to how you would recommend approaching the initiative along the Systems Development Lifecycle steps: 1) Acquire; 2) Plan for; 3) Implement; and 4) Support the technology solution.

In a 19- to 20-slide PowerPoint presentation, including extensive speaker notes and 5-6 peer reviewed references applied using APA Format:

- Analyze the problems and opportunities that the technology is aimed to address in this organization(s)/setting
- Critique any legal and/or regulatory concerns related to using technology in this organizations(s)/setting
- Acquisition: Explain your recommended steps in the systematic evaluation and acquisition of the technology
o SWOT summary
o Vendor partner recommendations
o Process to evaluate vendors
- Planning: Develop a Project Charter for how you would plan for implementing this technology.
o Scope of the project/program
o Key stakeholders
o Risks and mitigation plans
o Financial justification
- Implementation:
o Change Management Strategy
o Security and Privacy Plan
o Data sharing, systems integration needs
o Use of cost reducing emerging technology platforms
- Support and sustainability:
o Financial sustainment plan
o End user technical support plan
o Potential fit with emerging industry technologies
- Briefly address any competitive advantage that this technology might provide for the selected organization(s)

Note: Your Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources to show your conclusion and recommendations. This Assignment will be graded using the Week 11 Project Rubric.

Verified Expert

This assignment includes wearable health technology which is one of the emerging technologies and evaluates of its cost-effectiveness and potential adoption is also included in this assignment. This technology affects these aspects of the current health ecosystem.

Reference no: EM131714569

Questions Cloud

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Technology and the future in health care : Create a presentation for recommending a Health Information System for a health care organization - Evaluate the strategic alignment of various emerging health
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Labor unions when it interpreted the sherman anti-trust act : What did the Supreme Court say about labor unions when it interpreted the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
Explain true or falce : Explain True or Falce. By First llaw of newton onject travelling in circle does not have forc e acting on it
Discuss the company use to report net cash flows : What method does the company use to report net cash flows from operating activities. How can you tell



11/9/2017 7:14:02 AM

Writing 16 (9.14%) - 18 (10.29%) The Speaker Notes are well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate level writing style. The work is supported by the Learning Resources and more than three additional scholarly sources. 15 (8.57%) - 15 (8.57%) The Speaker Notes are mostly consistent with graduate level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors. The work is supported by the Learning Resources and at least three additional scholarly sources. 13 (7.43%) - 14 (8%) The Speaker Notes are somewhat consistent with graduate level writing style and may have some spelling, APA, and writing errors. The work is supported by the Learning Resources and less than three additional scholarly sources. 0 (0%) - 12 (6.86%) The Speaker Notes are well below graduate level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or shows heavy reliance on quoting. The work is not supported by the Learning Resources or additional scholarly sources.


11/9/2017 7:13:56 AM

Competitive Advantage 12 (6.86%) - 13 (7.43%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. 11 (6.29%) - 11 (6.29%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology is fully addressed. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 10 (5.71%) - 10 (5.71%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology lacks depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. 0 (0%) - 9 (5.14%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology is not discussed (zero points) or is poorly discussed.


11/9/2017 7:13:50 AM

Competitive Advantage 12 (6.86%) - 13 (7.43%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. 11 (6.29%) - 11 (6.29%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology is fully addressed. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 10 (5.71%) - 10 (5.71%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology lacks depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. 0 (0%) - 9 (5.14%) The description of the competitive advantage of the technology is not discussed (zero points) or is poorly discussed.


11/9/2017 7:13:42 AM

Support and Sustainability 25 (14.29%) - 28 (16%) The support and sustainability plan shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. Topics of financial sustainment, end user technical support and potential fit with emerging industry technologies are all addressed. 22 (12.57%) - 24 (13.71%) The support and sustainability plan is fully addressed. Topics of financial sustainment, end user technical support and potential fit with emerging industry technologies are all addressed. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 20 (11.43%) - 21 (12%) The support and sustainability plan lacks depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. One or two topics of financial sustainment, end user technical support and potential fit with emerging industry technologies are not addressed. 0 (0%) - 19 (10.86%) The support and sustainability plan does not address (zero points) or poorly address the topics of financial sustainment, end user technical support and potential fit with emerging industry technologies


11/9/2017 7:13:36 AM

Implementation 25 (14.29%) - 28 (16%) The implementation plan for the technology shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. Topics of change management strategy, security and privacy plan, data sharing, systems integration needs and use of cost reducing emerging technology platforms are all addressed. 22 (12.57%) - 24 (13.71%) The implementation plan for the technology is fully addressed. Topics of change management strategy, security and privacy plan, data sharing, systems integration needs and use of cost reducing emerging technology platforms are all addressed. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 20 (11.43%) - 21 (12%) The implementation plan for the technology lacks depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. One or two topics of change management strategy, security and privacy plan, data sharing, systems integration needs and use of cost reducing emerging technology platforms are not addressed.


11/9/2017 7:13:29 AM

Planning 25 (14.29%) - 28 (16%) The project charter shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. Topics of the scope of the project/program, key stakeholders, risk and mitigation plans, and financial justification are all addressed. 22 (12.57%) - 24 (13.71%) The project charter is fully addressed. Topics of the scope of the project/program, key stakeholders, risk and mitigation plans, and financial justification are all addressed. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 20 (11.43%) - 21 (12%) The project charter lacks depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. One or two topics of the scope of the project/program, key stakeholders, risk and mitigation plans, and financial justification are not addressed. 0 (0%) - 19 (10.86%) The project charter does not address (zero points) or poorly addresses topics of the scope of the project/program, key stakeholders, risk and mitigation plans, and financial justification.


11/9/2017 7:13:20 AM

Acquisition 25 (14.29%) - 28 (16%) The explanation of recommended steps in the systematic evaluation and acquisition of the technology shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking. Topics of the SWOT analysis, vendor partner recommendations, and process to evaluate vendors are all discussed. 22 (12.57%) - 24 (13.71%) The explanation fully addresses the recommended steps in the systematic evaluation and acquisition of the technology. Topics of the SWOT analysis, vendor partner recommendations, and process to evaluate vendors are all discussed. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 20 (11.43%) - 21 (12%) The explanation of recommended steps in the systematic evaluation and acquisition of the technology lacks depth, breadth, triangulation and clarity in critical thinking. One or two topics of the SWOT analysis, vendor partner recommendations, and process to evaluate vendors are not discussed.


11/9/2017 7:13:05 AM

Writing 6 (20%) - 6 (20%) Postings are well organized, use scholarly tone, contain original writing and proper paraphrasing, follow APA style, contain very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and are fullyconsistent with graduate level writing style. 5 (16.67%) - 5 (16.67%) Postings are mostly consistent with graduate level writing style. Postings may have some small organization, scholarly tone, writing, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors. 4 (13.33%) - 4 (13.33%) Introduction 13 (7.43%) - 14 (8%) The introduction shows depth, breadth, triangulation, and clarity in critical thinking concerning problems and opportunities that the technology is aimed to address, the legal and/or regulatory concerns are also fully addressed. 11 (6.29%) - 12 (6.86%) The introduction fully addresses the problems and opportunities that the technology is aimed to address as well as the legal and/or regulatory concerns. Triangulation was attempted but not fully addressed. 10 (5.71%) - 10 (5.71%)


11/9/2017 7:12:33 AM

Posting may be lacking or incorrect in some area, or in detail and specificity, and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings or triangulation Peer Feedback and Interaction 6 (20%) - 6 (20%) The feedback postings and responses to questions are excellent and fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes. 5 (16.67%) - 5 (16.67%) The feedback postings and responses to questions are good but may not fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes. 4 (13.33%) - 4 (13.33%) The feedback postings and responses to questions only partially contribute to the quality of interaction by offering insufficient constructive critique or suggestions, shallow questions, or providing poor quality additional resources. 0 (0%) - 3 (10%)


11/9/2017 7:12:21 AM

Dear Tutor, There are two tables below that you might want to readjust to get full understanding. The two tables are the rubrics. The first table is the rubric for the Discussion Post which is due 7 and the second table is the rubric for the Final Project (Assignment) due on 10 Discussion Posting Content 16 Discussion posting demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the texts and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, triangulation and discerning ideas. Discussion posting demonstrates a good understanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text/s and Learning Resources. Posting provides moderate detail (including at least one pertinent example), evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, attempt at triangulation and discerning ideas. Discussion posting demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text/s and Learning Resources.


11/9/2017 7:07:18 AM

Two Jobs: Discussion Post and Assignment Please inform tutor that there are two separate jobs: A Discussion Post and an Assignment. The Discussion Post is due or should be completed by 7 4 PM and the Assignment should be completed on 8 7 PM Please also inform tutor to make use of the reading materials that are available along with some peer review journals that he can gather. I am serious about the tutor using the reading materials for references. The tutor should select a scenario from the reading materials to complete the Assignment. Please inform tutor to create 20 slides with headers and page numbers for the Assignment. The speaker notes should also be completed in the power point for the Assignment. The above are very serious concerns I need you to convey to the tutor. Please find attached a folder for more details. Also, make sure I need a good tutor to work on it I want to score more. Last 3 assignments were very weak and I just passed.

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