Reference no: EM13938663
Learning Outcomes Covered:
a. Evaluate and examine the major principles and techniques of knowledge management and knowledge discovery through different applications, processes and technologies.
b. Select and apply appropriate technologies and solutions for a given scenario and appraise and justify the selected method Subject - specific Skills
c. Query, analyze and develop solutions to serve various business needs and requirements using mining techniques and web analytics
d. Manage an independent research project under appropriate supervision Develop a proactive approach to meeting responsibilities
e. Problem-solving: work through typical problems that may occur while working with new technologies.
The aim of this assessment is to design and implement a dashboard to visualize a data set. This assignment requires you to choose an
appropriate data set, cleanse the data and using recommended software develop suitable visual representation of your cleansed data in order to find patterns in the output and present a convincing graphical view of the issues. You are also required to document your design plans, your understanding of the data and your development of the dashboard and to identify any scope for improvement via an analytical report. You must also test your dashboard and provide the user with a guide to the various components of your dashboard. You will also be expected to manage your time effectively and to learn how to use dashboard software.
This assignment requires you to complete the following tasks.
You may need to download software and a sample data set(s). Choose your data set(s) from here
You will need to adapt and merge your data to create a new excel file (this is data cleansing). Once your data is ready please progress to use Dashboard Software.
Using Tableau Public, develop a suitable visual dashboard: Other software may be used (please discuss with tutor if you wish to use an alternative). Show progressive investigation - demonstrate different capabilities of your dashboard. This should include different colour displays, different ways of filtering data; different styles of graph to demonstrate how your dashboard will enable the user to problem solve, make decisions or enhance a business case R.Fitzgerald The University of Northampton 3
Your analytical report should contain the following:
1. Content Page
2. Introduction
a. Explain the background of your data and justify why you choose to use this dataset(s) for your dashboard
b. Explain what sort of information and metrics will be shown on your dashboard.
3. Design(s)
a. Demonstrate a Design Plan for your dashboard
4. Implementation
a. Include images of the finished design and explain the changes from initial design
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
6. Critique your design
a. What are the good and bad points of your design
b. What other data would improve your dashboard
7. References and Appendices
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