Technical report on a network security topic

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Reference no: EM131265450 , Length: word count:1000


You will be required to do a presentation to your class and write a literature review to your tutor as a technical report on a Network Security Topic". You will need to find (at least two) papers on the topic and then confirm them with the lecturer in Week 3/4.

You will be required to search relevant educational databases using Proquest, ERIC or others from your library for a minimum of two recent (>2013) refereed academic papers on your topic. Based on your research you will use relevant literature and published papers to write a technical report (minimum two pages for the body or "core text of the report) on your topic. The report should be to your tutor. You will need to give an overview on the papers themselves (reliability, choice of methodology etc. - a literature review) to set the context of the topic and then report on your conclusions.

You are required to:

- Undertake a literature review of a topic - refer to the following

- writingLiteratureReview.pdf



- Deliver a presentation - approximately 15 minutes with a 5 minute question time

- Submit your presentation materials (slides, handouts and any other material used).

- Submit a two page report in a technical report format (in pdf format, NOT zipped using your own words), with valid references

- Two pages is the 'text body" of the report - -1000 words ... there will of course be a number of other pages - see the report format below.

- One sentence contains an average of eleven words and one A4 sheet contains an average of between 32 to 35 sentences. Therefore an A4 sheet has an average of 350 to 400 words. However, this does apply to a relatively full A4 sheet with a standard layout and one that is filled with text to around 80-90% of its capacity.

- Your report must demonstrate in-depth academic research by including appropriate references from the Networking related Journals.

- Refer to for a good format for technical reports.

- Referencing must be in WA format both for in-text and end-text references.

- The report must be submitted via eCampus

- The report must be handed in by the due date or a penalty will be applied (-5% per day late, marked as 0% after 5 days - see section on "Extensions for Submission Dates")

- Note: The lecturer reserves the right change the marking schedule of the presentation and/or report if the submission fails to address the aims of the assessment - that is, it does not cover a network security topic, is not a literature review or has very poor referencing.

- The report will be marked at zero percent if it is not a literature review.

- Note: The lecturer reserves the right change the marking schedule of the presentation and/or report if the submission fails to address the aims of the assessment - tha does not cover a network security tonic. is not a literature review or has very poor referencing.

- The report will be marked at zero percent if it is not a literature review.

Reference no: EM131265450

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11/4/2016 3:18:39 AM

Marking criteria for presentationOn Topic content/explanation 20 On time 10 Use of up-to-date relevant examples 20 Presentation techniques 5 Presentation (PPT) format 5 Conclusion 5 References (choice of/quality) 15 In-depth knowledge of topic 10 Report / resources used 10 Total Marks 100 Note: the resentation will receive zero marks if it does not address the aim of bein. a iresentation of our literature review


11/4/2016 3:18:22 AM

• Note: The lecturer reserves the right change the marking schedule of the presentation and/or report if the submission fails to address the aims of the assessment — tha does not cover a network security tonic. is not a literature review or has very poor referencing. • The report will be marked at zero percent if it is not a literature review.

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