Technical project: sample website project

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Reference no: EM13824

Technical Project: Sample Website Project This assignment consists of three (3) sections: a narrative, a storyboard, and a business Website. You must submit all three (3) sections for the completion of this assignment. The assignment is to be submitted in a single compressed folder (zip file) to the online course shell. Section 3 must contain all .htm files, along with any other files that may be necessary for your project to run (ex: text files, images, etc.). When saving the compressed folder (zip file), it should be saved as Techincal Project_Last name_First For example, if your name is Mary Smith, the file for submission should be saved as Techincal Project_Smith_M.htm Select a business that you are interested in. (e.g., pet store, travel site, fishing gear, appliances, automobiles, housewares, furniture, etc.). Imagine that you have just been hired to create a four (4) page hierarchical Website for the business you selected. Section 1: NarrativeWrite a half (½) page paper in which you:

1. Create a narrative that describes the site to your prospective client.

 Section 2: StoryboardImagine that your narrative has been approved. Use Word, Visio, or Dia to:

2. Create a storyboard diagram depicting the layout of your Website.

 Section 3: Business WebsiteIn order to receive full credit for this section, you will need to submit:

  • One (1) screen shot of your emailed data from the guestbook.
  • One (1) CSS style sheet.
  • Four (4) Web pages.
3. Create your Website based on the following requirements:
a. Create a Cascading Style Sheet (.css) for all pages, which: 
i. Applies a background color.
ii. Applies style to font. 
iii. Changes the ordered list markers to anything other than the default.
iv. Changes the unordered list markers to anything other than the default.
v. Applies style to a copyright footer. 
b. Include:
i. A graphic or logo on the home page.
ii. A navigation bar with links to every other page on the home page.
iii. A guestbook registry on the home page using the mailto: tag with an entry field for:
a. A person's name. 
b. An email address. 
iv. A piece of JavaScript on the home page.
c. Create a submit button for the guestbook registry that will email the information to your email address. Note: Test the function and take a screen shot of the emailed information you receive. You must submit the screen shot in your zipped file of deliverables as proof.
d. Create three (3) sub pages that include:
i. The same graphic / logo. 
ii. A navigation bar with links to every other page.
iii. An ordered list of at least two (2) items, and then at least two (2) unordered list entries under each ordered list item where one (1)  of the items must be a hyperlinked to a Website (the hyperlink should not show the address printed on the page). 
Note: Each of the three pages should have unique lists. 
A. Food
• Dry food 
• Wet food
• Canned food
B. Toys
• Indoor 
• Outdoor

 The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe the structure of the World Wide Web as interconnected hypertext documents.
  • Create and validate HTML documents.
  • Create presentations using Cascading Style Sheets and DHTML.
  • Write clearly and concisely about Web design and development using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Reference no: EM13824

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