Technical paper on database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13762018

1. This is Part IV of 4 - the Final Project: This Final Project Paper must be a technical paper on Database topics that have been pre-approved in earlier weeks by your instructor, using knowledge gained in the course. A general paper written for the common IT user or general reader is NOT acceptable.

2. The Paper Topic must be the one approved earlier

3. It must follow the Paper Outline submitted earlier

4. It must utilize the Paper Bibliography submitted earlier

o your references must be formatted according to APA Guidelines
o you must use all 10 sources you supplied as Annotated Bibliography sources
o these sources should be from industry articles, journals, academic and professional textbooks, and case studies
o you may not use Wikipedia or Webopedia as a reference

5. The Project Paper

• must be around 10 to 15 pages - with full APA formatting
• will follow a conventional report format (introduction, abstract (optional), body, conclusion, and references)
• must accompany an acceptable originality report with your paper (10% maximum overall match with no single source above 1%)
• rubric in the syllabus will be used for the paper

Reference no: EM13762018

Questions Cloud

Calculate the annual expected monetary value : Calculate the annual expected monetary value (EMV) of breakdowns by the steam engine on Enrico's ship and calculate the $ annual EMV of total destruction of the steam ship from sinking or by shipwreck.
Explain policies and resource that support homeless children : Compare and contrast policies and resources that support homeless children and families from two different cities, New York and Chicago.
Program using an array : The array contains the hours worked for 5 employees. These hours are entered by the user. All employees earn the same hourly wage. The program will calculate the gross pay for each employee.
Development of an hr system : Define the business requirements for the development of an HR system to support the objective of this request. Create a detailed system design and a project implementation plan required to complete the project.
Technical paper on database : This Final Project Paper must be a technical paper on Database topics that have been pre-approved in earlier weeks by your instructor, using knowledge gained in the course. A general paper written for the common IT user or general reader is NOT ac..
Explain meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax : Explain meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
Experience using excel prior : Discuss your experience in using Excel prior to taking this course.
The district ese department has opened three pre : Additionally, the district ESE department has opened three pre-K handicapped programs at Happy Trails Elementary, serving the needs of the Pre-K handicapped population in the area. The Pre-K students are primarily classified as Speech/Language Impair..
What is tokenization : What is tokenization, Give an example in English were tokenization is nontrivial


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