Taxonomic groupings and organism

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131443562

Assignment for Zoology Invertebrat

Taxonomic Key

Use the following taxonomic groupings and organisms in the next key. You must include all of them. In two cases, you will include both the polyp and medusa forms in the key. (Hint: They do not have to be near each other in the key). Remember, you need 2 features per step. You can make a key to the phyla and then separate keys for the phyla that have multiple specimens. A few of the higher taxonomic levels will not have a corresponding specimen.

Phylum Porifera
    Class Calcarea
     Subclass Calcinae
     Subclass Calcaronea
    Class Demospongiae
     Subclass Kerotosa
     Subclass Heteroscleromorpha
     Subclass Myxospongia
    Class Hexactinellida
     Subclass: Amphidiscophora
     Subclass: Hexasterophora
Phylum Placozoa
Phylum Cnidaria
  Subphylum Medusozoa
    Class: Hydrozoa
     Subclass: Hydroidolina
        Order: Athecata
        Order: Thecata
     Subclass Siphonophora
     Subclass: Trachylina
    Class: Scyphozoa
        Order: Semaeostomae
        Order: Rhizostomae
    Class: Cubozoa
  Subphylum: Anthozoa
     Subclass: Octocorallia
        Order: Alcyonacae
        Order: Pennatulacae
    Subclass: Hexacorallia
        Order: Actiniaria
        Order: Scleractinia
  Subphylum: Myxozoa
    Class Myxoporea
Phylum Ctenophora

Use the following specimens
Chalina Finger sponge
Vase Sponge
Tube sponge
Euproctella (Venus flower basket)
Obelia medusa form
Melia polyp form
Aurelia medusa form
Aurelia polyp (scyphistoma) form
Gorgonia (Sea Fan)
Alcyonacea Coral (Soft coral)
Brain Coral
Sea Pen
Organ Pipe

Key Part II Xenacoelomorpha-Entoprocta

Be sure to use external and internal features in your key. I expect to see more than one feature used for each taxonomic level.

Phylum Xenacoelomorpha
Phylum Orthoncctida
Phylum Rhombozoa
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Subphylum Catenulidea
Subphylum Rhabditophora
Phylum Nemertca
Class Paleonemertea
Class Neonemertea
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Entoprocta
Phylum Cycliophora

Use the following specimens

Planaria (Dugesia)
Lepidonotus (Scale Wgm)
Arenicola (Lugworm)
Lumbricus (Earthworm)
Hirudo (Leech)
Nereis (Clam worm)

Key Part III Mollusca, Lophophorates and Gnathifera

Be sure to use external and internal features in your key. l expect to see more than one feature used for each taxonomic level. Be sure to have a figure associate with each choice.


Phylum Mollusca
 Class Polyplacophora
    Suborder Lepidopleurida
    Suborder Chitonida
    Suborder Acanthochitonida
 Class Gastropoda
   Subclass Patellogastropoda
   Subclass Vetigastropoda
   Subclass Neritimorpha
   Subclass Caenogastropoda
   Subclass licterobranchia
 Class Ccphalopoda
   Subclass Palcephalopoda
   Subclass Neocephalopoda
      Superorder Octopodiformcs
      Superordcr Decapodiformes
 Class Bivalva
   Subclass Protobranchia
   Subclass Autobranchia
     Cohort Pteriomorpha
     Cohort neteroconchia
Phylum Phoronida
Phylum Brachiopoda
  Subphylum Linguliformea
  Subphylum Rhynchonelliformea
Phylum Bryozoa
  Class Gymnolaemata
  Class Phylactolaemata
Phylum Rotifera
  Class Hemirotaria
  Subclass: Bdelloidea
   Subclass: Acanthocephala
 Class Eurotoria
  Subclass: Monogonata
Phylum Gastrotricha
Phylum Gnathostomulida

Use the following.specimens

Philodina ("Rotifers" slide)
Lepidodemella ("Gastrotrich" slide)
Limax (slug)
Scallop Oyster Helix
Mytilus (Mussel)
Amex() (Limpet)

Key Part VI Chaetognatha and Ecdysozoa

Use the following taxonomic groupings and specimens (on pg2) in the next key. You must include all of them. Remember, you need 2 features per step and at least one must be a morphological feature. A few of the higher taxonomic levels will not have a corresponding specimen. For the specimens, you must refer to the specimens we worked on in class. You will not get credit if it is clear you are using a different specimen from the same genus or similar common name.

Taxonomic Groupings:

Phylum Chaetognatha

Phylum Nematoda

  Class Chromadorea

  Class Enoplea

Phylum Nematomorpha

Phylum Kinorhyncha

Phylum Loricifera

Phylum Priapula

Phylum Onychophora

Phylum Tardigrada

Phylum Arthropoda

   Subphylum Cheliceriformes

     Class Euchelicerata

        Subclass Meristomata

        Subclass Arachnida

     Class Pyconogonida

   Subphylum Hexipoda

     Class Insecta

     Class Endognatha Subphylum Myriopoda

     Class Chilopoda

     Class Diplopoda

  Subphylum Crustacea

     Class Branchiopoda

     Class Malacostraca

         Order Stomatopoda

         Order Decapoda

         Order Amphipoda

     Class Thecostraca

     Class Branchuira

     Class Pentastomida

     Class Copopoda

     Class Ostrocoda

     Class Branchiopoda

Specimens (You must use the specimens from class)
Gordian worm (horsehair worm)
Spirobulus (Millipede)
Scolopendia (Centipede)
Sea Spider
Horseshoe crab
Hypsibius (water bear)
Lubber Grasshopper
Cyclops (Copopod)
CallineCtes (Blue Crab)
Mantis Shrimp
Sagitta (Arrow worm)

Extra credit: Add the following to Key 4 and get 1 point extra credit for each classification term and 2 extra credit points for each specimen done correctly.

 Phylum Echinodermata
   Subphylum Crinoidea
   Subphylum: Astrozoa
       Class: Asteroidea
       Class: Ophuiroidea
   Subphylum: Echinozoa
       Class: Echinoidea
       Class: Holothuroidea
 Phylum Hemichordata
 Phylum Chordata
   Subphylum Urochordata
       Class: Ascidiacea
       Class: Thaliacea
       Class: Appendicularia

Sea Star
Sea Urchin
Sand Dollar
Brittle Star
Sea Cucumber
Sea Lilly Holocynthia

Verified Expert

The task was to provide key for all the phylums mentioned in the database of the student. First the key was supposed to be developed for individual phylums and then for separate phylums and their their classes, sub classes, orders and their respective specimens.

Reference no: EM131443562

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4/10/2017 6:16:44 AM

Marvelous ....awesome author. Every one of the papers he composed for me get A or A+ from my instructors. I unquestionably prescribe utilizing him, particularly in the event that you need an A+


4/10/2017 6:11:20 AM

Please ensure all the requirements are met. I have an assignment for Zoology Invertebrates class about making a taxonomic key. I already did most of it and need someone to check if there any missing and also fix the feedback on it. The assignment is to make: First, to make a key feature for all phylum. at least 2 morphology features in each step. (with figures) Then make a separate key for each phylum with its classes, sub, order and its specimens. at least 2 morphology features in each step (with figures). Some phylum doesn’t have any specimens. Those you don’t have to make a separate key for it. Also, the morphology features have already been given by the student, DO i have just have to fill in the details that he could not do right? That is, writing the missing details of respective phylum and class where ever the client has not written in front of their morphology features?

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