Reference no: EM131053335
"Crack: A Cycle of Sadness"
Thesis: Although more stringent drug laws can help keep drugs off the street, crack cocaine is best fought at its source. Catching susceptible children early through targeted drug awareness programs is the best defense against the war on crack.
I. Crack cocaine origination, its history, and its physical and psychological affects
A. Cocaine and its uses
1. Define cocaine
2. Uses of cocaine throughout history
a. Use by Incan natives and the Catholic church
b. Use by famous people in history
c. Use as medical remedies
B. How crack was derived from cocaine
1. Define crack
2. Use of crack cocaine since development
C. Effects of crack cocaine physically and psychologically
1. How does crack cocaine effect the addictsbrain and body
2. How does crack cocaine effect the addicts ability to interact socially
II. Programs in place to control and/or deter the use of crack cocaine in American society
A. Current laws against crack cocaine
1. Sentencing requirements for possession?
a. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986
b. Fair Sentencing Act of 2010
2. Differences in the applicability of sentencing based upon social class
a. Low-income based communities
b. Mid or high-income based communities
B. Identify the programs available for users and their families to get assistance once they are addicted.
1. Treatment for military vets or addicts with insurance
2. Available care for addicts with no insurance
3. Programs available for families members of addicts
III. Early Intervention programs in schools that are intended to prevent drug use
A. List of drug intervention programs in schools
B. Effectiveness of those programs
1. Where theprograms are being used
2. Ratio of low-income areas vs. middle to high income areas
IV. Conclusion: Despite the recent changes in laws closing the disparity between sentencing for possession of crack versus cocaine offenders, low-income communities are still susceptible to crack cocaine use at a greater rate than mid to high-income communities. A greater emphasis has been placed on addressing the issue of crack addiction once the user becomes addicted than on prevention. Adjusting more of our focus to school aged programs and awareness in low-income areas will help deter those children from becoming victims of the crack cocaine cycle of sadness.