Takes as input a list of integers and outputs the integers

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132357143


Implement the function vowels() that takes as input a string and prints the indexes of all vowels in the string. Hint: A vowel can be defined as any character in string 'aeiouAEIOU'

Write function doubles() that takes as input a list of integers and outputs the integers in the list that are exactly twice the previous integer in the list, one per line.

Implement function four_letter() that takes as input a list of words (i.e., strings) and returns the sublist of all four letter words in the list.

Reference no: EM132357143

Questions Cloud

Articles on the topic of e-waste : Review at least two more scholarly articles on the topic of e-waste. Provide a PPT that summarizes the issue and then recommend a possible solution based
What about a business that engages in international dealings : Define and explain what personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction mean and how these terms are relevant to one who does business in different.
Describe how you apply the security triad : Describe how you apply the security triad (confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility) components in some area of your work life or personal life.
Why institutions are reluctant to move their IT to the cloud : Why institutions are reluctant to move their IT to the cloud. Consider specific industries like education, medicine, military, etc.
Takes as input a list of integers and outputs the integers : Write function doubles that takes as input a list of integers and outputs the integers in the list that are exactly twice the previous integer in the list.
Evolve with cybersecurity threats : What can companies do now to evolve with cybersecurity threats?
Issues organization face with regards to the protection : Discuss the issues organization's face with regards to the protection of its customer information. How will end users typically respond to such announcements?
Diagram for the tennis club model : Draw the ER (UML class) diagram for the tennis club model. You are strongly encouraged to use Lucidchart to produce the diagram
Difference between pre-versus post-attack response : Discuss the importance of incidence response and the difference between pre-versus post-attack response.


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