Takes a directory containing files that record

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13550873

File names: grading.py

• All prompts for input and all output must match my prompts/output.

Notes: Any difficulties you had with the assignment and any comments you would like to make. Also if a program doesn't work please let us know.

• All input in the examples has been underlined
• You may only import the os module

1. For this you will be creating a program called grading.py that takes a directory containing files that record how student's performed on their assignments and from these files determines each students grades in addition to the course statistics.

  1. You can only import the os module for this problem
         1. If you import any other modules you will receive a 0 on this problem
  2. Your program should ask the user for the directory that contains the homework files
  3. Homework files
         1. The name of a homework file is arbitrary
         2. Each file is stored as csv and and has the following format
              1. Percent Total, Percent contribution this assignment has to the student's grade,
              2. Max Points,Maximum number of points on the assignment,
              3. ,,
              4. Last Name,First Name,Grade
              5. Student 1 Last Name, Student 1 First Name, Student 1's Grade
              6. Student 2 Last Name, Student 2 First Name, Student 2's Grade
              7. ...
         3. Percent Total across all files will sum to 100
         4. The names in the homework file are stored in arbitrary order
  4. Your program should output the course statistics base on each student's percentage in the class
         1. The mean
         2. Median
              1. We will continue to use the same median as used in homeworks 3 and 4
         3. Mode
              1. There will always be a unique mode
         4. Uncorrected sample standard deviation

              1. Def: 2058_Directory containing files.png

              2. N: The number of items
              3. xi: The value of item I
              4. ¯ x: the mean
  5. After displaying the course statistics your program should display each student's percent grade in the class as well as their letter grade
         1. Grades should be displayed in alphabetical order based on last name
              1. If two people have the same last name then the ordering is based on their first names
         2. For computing the letter grades
              1. A's >= 90%
              2. B's >= 80% and < 90%
              3. C's >= 70% and < 80%
              4. D's >= 60% and < 70%
              5. F's < 60%
  6. You may not use global variables.
         1. 10% will be deducted from your score for each global variable
  7. You must use functions in this assignment. Your program must have at least the following functions. You free to have more than just these functions if you desire
         1. mean
              1. returns the mean of the given numbers
         2. median
              1. returns the middle value of the given numbers. We are
         3. mode
              1. returns the most commonly occurring number in the given numbers
         4. std_dev
              1. returns the uncorrected sample standard deviation of the given numbers
         5. percent2Letter
              1. given a percentage grade return the letter grade associated with it
         6. read_homework
           1. reads in 1 homework file and returns or updates the the students scores on the assignment, the number of points that assignment is worth, and the percent contribution that it makes to the students overall grades

         7. display_statistics
               1. This should display the course statistics
              2. This function is partially completed for you. Please make sure to use the provided format strings so that your output matches mine
         8. display_grades
               1. This should display the students grades in alphabetical order.
               2. This function is partially completed for you. Please make sure to use the provided format strings so that your output matches mine.Example:
- Tests/Test1 only contains HW1.csv
- HW1.csv contains the following:
Percent Total,100,
Max Points,50,
Last Name,First Name,Grade


Please enter the name of the directory containing the homeworks: Tests/Test1

125_Directory containing files1.png

Reference no: EM13550873

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