Take an instance of challengeline as a parameter

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132206664

Write a non-static method named intersection that takes an instance of ChallengeLine as a parameter and // returns an instance of the PointXY class (provided) at the intersection of the input line and this line.

You may use public class PointXY{ for help

public class PointXY{

// Instance variables are declared inside the class definition and outside any methods
// Private variables cannot be access from outside the class
private double x;
private double y;

// The default constructor creates a point on the origin
public PointXY(){
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;

// A constructor that sets the initial position of the point
public PointXY(double x, double y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

// public getter, or accessor, methods to allow access the private instance variables from other classes/objects
public double getX(){
return this.x;

public double getY(){
return this.y;

// public setter, or mutator, methods to allow other classes/objects to change the private instance variables
public void setX(double x){
this.x = x;

public void setY(double y){
this.y = y;

// Define how an object of this type is printed (We will cover Overrides on Friday)
public String toString(){
return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";

Reference no: EM132206664

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