TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy

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Reference no: EM132527467

TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills - Plenty Training

1 What are three possible cultural and/or social considerations for communicating with learners with LLN challenges (such as those with non-English speaking backgrounds)?

2 Describe two ways you can maintain the dignity of a learner and show respect when they have LLN challenges.

3 What is your industry or sector?
How might a challenge in each of the following core LLN skills hinder your students' workplace performance in your industry or sector? Give at least one specific example.
Oral communication
4 Presume a learner had challenges in each of the five core skills. For each core skill, describe two strategies that could be used to cater for their LLN needs in training and two strategies for assessment / tests.
Core skill



Oral Communication


5 Identify two resources or support available in your own training organisation (or accessible by your organisation if needed) and procedures for accessing them

6 List and describe two different methods you could use to evaluate the effectiveness of your training and assessment for LLN challenged learners. For each method, describe why it would be beneficial?


In this project you mustdetermine the core skill levels required for a student to complete twodifferent unitsof competence using the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). You must select and use two suitable units of competence in an industry with which you are familiar.
Specifically, you must:
• Determine the core skill levels using the trigger word method on your first selected unit,answering the questions and using the guidance provided in section 3.2; and
• Determine the core skill levels using the analysis methodon your second selected unit, answering the questions and using the guidance provided in section 3.3.
One method to determine the LLN requirements of a training specification is by using the trigger words method.In this task you must:
• Identify the trigger words in your selected unit of competency.
• Determine the core skill associated with each trigger word.
• Organise and transpose each of the unit requirements into each core skillarea.
• Quantify LLN skill requirements:
o Compare tasks against the performance variables listed in Tables 1 and 2 and decide which level is appropriate to each unit requirement.
o Read through the ACSF indicators in Tables 3 through 7 and adjust your assigned levels as necessary.
o Confirm that the assigned indicator levels agree with the complete level definitions within the ACSF Document.


1 Would you use the results of this tool in isolation to determine the candidate's reading and writing skill levels? Justify your answer.
2 What are the main questions about Ibrahim's reading and writing levels that this form raises?

1 What are the main issues you can identify about Ibrahim's ACSF writing levels from this task?
1 What are the key things you noticed about Ibrahim's performance that can assist you with identifying his ACSF core skill levels?
2 Ibrahim states that he completed a Bachelor of Accounting. (Assume that he can provide a valid testamur of this.) What is the implication of this on his learning and numeracy core skill levels?

4.3 Identify learner group's LLN core skill levels
Use ACSF toolsto determine the LLN skills of your learner group. (The core skills assessed by each tool may overlap.) Your selectedlearner group must consist of at least two real vocational learners. You might use fellow class-mates for your learner group or - if this is problematic or you are undertaking this course via distance learning - you may find other suitable vocational learners in our closed-group Facebook page.
1 Describe your group and the tools you employed.
A. Name the members of your group. (You must have at least two members)

B. How do you know that they are real vocational learners?
C. What ACSF tools were used to determine your group's LLN levels?

D. Attach a copy of the completed tools
What are the minimum core skill levels of each member resulting from the use of these tools?
(Note: All five core skills must be assessed.)

Use another method or source of information (such as direct observation or analysis) to verify at least one of the above core skills determinations. Describe this method and the correlation of its results to the results of the tools.

This project requires you to develop a simple training and assessment plan covering a short-duration presentation for real vocational learners, review your approach with a LLN specialist/experienced trainer, and then conduct this training and assessment with the learners. If you are undertaking another training delivery project (e.g., for unit TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning) then you may combine these two tasks.
Specifically, you must select a topic in which you will train and assess your group of learners. You may wish to select this topic from the unit you chose in Project 1, for which you have already determined the LLN levels required by the training and of your learner group, and then select and describe two core LLN skill requirements that you will address during this training. You must then complete the following steps
• Step 1: Identify support required/available and at least two learning resources you can customise to address the requirements. Record your answers in section 5.3.
• Step 2: Select the learning support strategies you will use to make the training appropriate to address the identified LLN needs of this learner group. Record your answers in section 5.4.
• Step 3: Select the assessment strategies you will use to cater for the identified LLN needs of the learner group. Record your answers in section 5.5.
• Step 4: Review your strategies with an experienced peer or LLN expert and record the results in section 5.6. This experienced peer or LLN expert could be anyone with greater LLN experience than you. If you are undertaking this task in a Plenty Training class then your trainer will do this with you verbally during the class. If you are not undertaking this task in a Plenty Training class and do not have direct access to an LLN expert then you may email an LLN specialist at [email protected] and the LLN expert will provide a response via return email.
• Step 5: Conduct the training and assessment and record the details in section 5.7:
o If you are delivering this training as a student in a class delivered by Plenty Training, your trainer will arrange for suitable LLN-challenged participants and will witness and assess your training delivery.
o If you are not delivering this training in a class delivered by Plenty Training, you must arrange for suitable participants (at least two) to participate in your training delivery, and you may either:
• Attend one of the two-day delivery workshops regularly provided by Plenty Training for an additional fee. (Note: This workshop will allow also you to complete the training delivery requirements for unit TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning and unit BSBCMM401 Make a presentation); or
• Arrange to deliver this training to real vocational learners (such as other TAELLN411 students who can be located and contacted via our closed Facebook page), record the video of your online or face-to-face training delivery session, and provide a copy of (or a link to) the video with your workbook submission; or
• Arrange to deliver this training to real vocational learners in your workplace and have this observed by another qualified assessor who possess either:
- The TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or
- The TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training; or
- The TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development; or
- The TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development; or
- A higher level qualification in adult education.
If this option is selected your assessor must complete both the assessment checklist in section 5.7.2 and the statutory declaration in section 5.7.3.
• Step 6: Review how the strategies met the needs of the learner group in section 5.7.4.
• Step 7: Determine areas for improvement or development of own practice and record your thoughts in section 5.9
5.1.1 Decision-making rules
To achieve a satisfactory result, you must address each of the criteria listed in the instructions above. Additionally, during your presentation, your assessor will assess your ability to:
• Effectively use the learning resources you described in section 5.3;
• Effectively use the learning support strategies you described in section 5.4;
• Effectively use the assessment strategies you described in section 5.5;
• Deliver the training using a speed and pace suitable for the learners;
• Build rapport with the group - including at least two of the following rapport-building techniques:
o Initial small talk: Use non-threatening and ‘safe topics' for initial small talk. Talk about established shared experiences, the weather, how you travelled to where you are. Avoid talking too much about yourself and avoid asking direct questions about the other person.
o Shared experiences: Listen to what the other person is saying and look for shared experiences or circumstances - this will give you more to talk about in the initial stages of communication.
o Humour: Inject an element of humour. Laughing together creates harmony, make a joke about yourself or the situation/circumstances you are in but avoid making jokes about other people.
o Non-verbal signals: Use effective body language and other non-verbal signals. Maintain eye contact for approximately 60% of the time, and relax and lean slightly towards them to indicate listening, mirror their body-language if appropriate.
o Show empathy. Demonstrate that you can see the other person's point of view.
o Use names: Use the individual's names which can make them feel included and important
• Show respect to all learners;
• Use appropriate language with consideration to vocabulary, tone and pace to talk with learners;
• Use language that demonstrates cultural sensitivity and built and maintained understanding and rapport;
• Collaborate with colleagues and support specialists to design and implement effective learning strategies; and
• Use effective consultation and collaboration processes - including at least two of the following techniques:
o Look for common ground: Find shared values, consider shared personal experiences, pay attention to and give feedback, be yourself and expect the same of others, be willing to accept differences in perceptions and opinions.
o Learn about others: Consider their perspectives and needs, appeal to the highest motives, let others express themselves freely.
o Critique results, not people: Do not waste time on personal hostility, make other people feel good, avoid criticism and put downs.
o Give and get respect: Show respect for others' opinions, be considerate and friendly, put yourself in the other person's shoes, be responsive to emotions, speak with confidence but remain tactful.
o Proceed slowly: Present one idea at a time, check for understanding and acceptance of each idea before moving on to the next. Speak in an organized and logical sequence.
o Be explicit and clear: Share your ideas and feelings, pay attention to nonverbal communication, speak clearly and make eye contact, select words that have meaning for your listeners.

Attachment:- Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills.rar

Reference no: EM132527467

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