TAEDES401 Design and Develop Learning Programs

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Reference no: EM132380392

DES Design training from TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

TAEDES402 Use training packages and accredited course to meet client needs

TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs

Monash Training and Professional Development - Monash University, Australia

DES Knowledge evidence -

Instructions to the candidate

Answer all parts of the following eight questions by typing your responses into the space provided below each question. Requirements for satisfactory completion of each question are:

  • You respond using complete sentences, making direct reference to the question
  • Each response is about 200-250 words long. However, this is an average only because some questions will require longer responses, some shorter
  • You use your own words and when quoting information from another source, you must appropriately acknowledge that source.

Knowledge questions -

1 a. Explain what VET is and describe its key features.

1 b. Explain what competency-based training (CBT) is and describe its key characteristics.

2 a. Explain what the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) is and describe its purpose in the VET system. Also, describe how trainers and assessors use it.

2 b. Explain what the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 is and describe its purpose in the VET system. Also, describe how trainers and assessors use it.

2 c. Explain what the training packages are and describe their purpose in the VET system. Also, describe how trainers and assessors use them.

3 a. Explain the difference between a qualification, a skill set and an accredited course.

3 b. Explain the difference between a training and assessment strategy and a learning program plan.

4 a. Describe the Australian Government Department of Education and Training's role in the VET system. Also, briefly explain how it influences the way trainers and assessors do their job.

4 b. State what the 'ASQA' acronym stands for. Describe this organisation's role in the VET system. Also, briefly explain how it influences the way trainers and assessors do their job.

4 c. State what the 'IRC' and 'SSO' acronyms stand for. Describe the role of these organisations in the VET system. Also, briefly explain how they influence the way trainers and assessors do their job.

4 d. State what the 'RTO' acronym stands for. Describe the role of RTOs in the VET system. Also, briefly explain how an RTO influences the way trainers and assessors do their job.

5. Describe how you do or could identify training needs in your workplace.

6. Research available learning and assessment materials relevant to your industry or area of expertise. Identify two sources or suppliers of materials, and complete the following table.

7. Research and summarise the implications of copyright legislation when selecting or developing learning program materials. List the sources for the information you provide.

8 a. Name the endorsed components of a training package and summarise the information found in each component.

8 b. Name the mandatory support document that training package developers must produce, and briefly explain its purpose.

8 c. Describe how and by whom training packages are developed and endorsed. Who has input into the content of a training package?

8 d. Explain what it means to 'contextualise' training package competency standards when using them as the basis for training or assessment. Provide an example.

8 e. Explain what it means to apply a 'reasonable adjustment' when using training package competency standards as the basis for assessment. Provide an example.

8 f. Describe how trainers and assessors can stay up-to-date with latest updates made to training packages.

DES Task 1 - Crack the codes

Instructions to the candidate

List the information given in each part of the code below. The first response has been given for you, as an example.

Training package component

Part of the code

Brief description for the part of the code

TAE Training package


Example: The industry sector covered by this training package (Training and Education)

TAE40116 Qualification









TAELLN411 Unit









TAESS00003 Skill set







BSB Training package



BSB30715 Qualification









BSBWHS302 Unit









BSBSS00069 Skill set







HLT Training package



HLT37215 Qualification









HLTAID003 Unit














DES Task 2 - Explore and use a training package to meet client needs

Instructions to the candidate

2. Identify a current training package relevant to your industry or area of expertise

3. Answer the questions below about the training package you identify.

General Information about the training package -

What is the code and title of the training package?

Name the SSO responsible for the training package.

Qualifications in the training package -

How many qualifications are in the training package?

Identify one skill set in the training package and provide information below about it -

Code of skill set

Title of skill set

Describe a client group for whom this skill set would be a good choice.

Analyse one qualification from the training package and answer the questions below -

Code of qualification

Title of qualification

What units must be completed to obtain the qualification?

Select and describe a typical target client group for this qualification. What are key characteristics of this target group:

  • Current or previous work experience
  • Reasons for needing the qualification
  • Cultural background, age or gender
  • Any other relevant characteristics

Identify the core and suitable choice of elective units for the target client group described above. The units selected must:

  • Be relevant for this particular client group
  • Satisfy the requirements of the qualification packaging rules

List the order in which you would recommend delivering the units in the qualification. Also, identify which units you would cluster for training purposes, if any.

DES Task 3 - Explore a unit of competency and its assessment requirements

Purpose of the task - The purpose of this task is to develop your understanding of the information provided in a unit of competency so that you can use that information to design and develop learning programs that fully address unit requirements.

Instructions to the candidate

1. Identify one competency standard from a current and endorsed training package relevant to your industry or area of expertise.

2. Answer the questions below about the unit of competency and its assessment requirements.

General Information about the unit you are using as the basis for this activity -

What is the code and title of the unit?

What training package is the unit from? (code and title)

Information provided in each part of a unit

In your own words:

? summarise the information you will find in each part of a unit listed below.

? Briefly explain how this information will help you as you analyse a unit for the purposes of planning a training or assessment activity.

Refer to the unit you have selected to guide you, but make your response generic (that is, applicable to any unit). The first response has been given for you, as an example.

General Information about the unit you are using as the basis for this activity, continued -

Performance criteria -

1.1 Interpret and clarify own role in implementing individualised plan and seek appropriate support for aspects outside scope of own knowledge, skills or job role

1.2 Confirm individualised plan details with the person and with family and carers when appropriate

2.1 Conduct exchanges with the person in a manner that develops and 2maintain.s trust

2.2 Provide support according to the individualised plan, the person's preferences and strengths, and organisation policies, protocols and procedures

2.3 Assemble equipment as and when required according to established procedures and the individualised plan

2.4 Respect and include the family and/or carer as part of the support team

2.5 Provide support according to duty of care and dignity of risk requirements

2.6 Provide assistance to maintain a safe and healthy environment

2.7 Provide assistance to maintain a clean and comfortable environment

2.8 Respect individual differences to ensure maximum dignity and privacy when providing support

2.9 Seek assistance when it is not possible to provide appropriate suppo

3.1 Monitor own 3work to ensure the required standard of support is maintained

3.2 Involve the person in discussions about how support services are meeting their needs and any requirement for change

3.3 Identify aspects of the individualised plan that might need review and discuss with supervisor

3.4 Participate in discussion with the person and supervisor in a manner that supports the person's self determination

4.1 Maintain confidentiality and privacy of the person in all dealings within organisation policy and protocols.

4.2 Comply with the organisation's informal and formal reporting requirements, including reporting observations to supervisor.

4.3 Identify and respond to situations of potential or actual risk within scope of own role and report to supervisor as required.

4.4 Identify and report signs of additional or unmet needs of the person and refer in accordance with organisation and confidentiality requirements.

4.5 Complete and maintain documentation according to organisation policy and protocols.

4.6 Store information according to organisation policy and protocols.

DES Task 4 - Design and develop a competency-based learning program

Scenario for DES Task 4

Work Ready training

You work for the Work Skills Training Academy (RTO number 12345) that has been contracted by Youth Employment Services; a community-based provider of employment services to young unemployed people in the local area.

Some details:

  • The contract is for the delivery of BSB10115 Certificate I in Business qualification
  • The learning program aims to prepare unemployed youth for basic administration work
  • Learners are early school leavers, typically with poor literacy skills, aged between 17 and 19
  • Each group size is expected to be about 20 learners.

Instructions to the candidate

Work as part of a team to design and develop a competency-based learning program that meets the needs of a particular target learner group. See scenario for DES Task 4.

Your TAE trainer will guide you through this activity.

Templates on the next few pages will help you progress through this assessment task. The following completed templates must be submitted as evidence:

  • Confirm the design brief
  • Competency map (matrix)
  • Risk control plan
  • Learning program plan (2 parts)
  • Learning program review strategy.

Step 1: Confirm the design brief

Confirm the design brief by completing the following template.

Program aims

1 Why is this program needed? What does it aim to achieve?

2 What is the competency standard? (code and title)

Learner information

3 Who are the target learners and what are their key characteristics?

4 Training needs:

What existing skills and knowledge do the learners have that are relevant to the benchmark?

5 Learning needs:

How do learners prefer to learn?

6 Support needs:

What support might they need to successfully complete the program?

Other parameters

7 What other parameters, expectations or constraints should be considered when designing the learning program?

  • Deadlines
  • Expected program schedule or time frames
  • Expected delivery mode
  • Expected number of learners per group
  • Availability of learning or assessment materials
  • Availability of technology, equipment or other resources
  • Budget

Step 2: Analyse the unit and its assessment requirements

Download a copy of the BSBCMM101 Apply basic communication skills unit and its assessment requirements from training.gov.au (2 documents). Mark up the competency standard by writing your ideas and comments on the unit and its assessment requirements.

  • Read and analyse the unit and its assessment requirements
  • Contextualise the unit by considering how the unit is performed in a typical workplace.
  • Consider ideas for 'chunking and sequencing' content and potential assessment methods.

Step 3: Consider the dimensions of competence

Consider the dimensions of competence by answering the questions.

Dimensions - Question to consider application of the knowledge and skills in a typical workplace

Task skills

  • What organisational procedures might cover how the task should be performed in the workplace?

Task management skills

  • How efficiently or quickly must the task be performed?
  • What other tasks must learners complete and manage in conjunction with the task?
  • What deadlines exist for completing this task?

Contingency management skills

  • What challenges will commonly arise when performing the task?

Job/Role environment skills

  • What workplace procedures must be followed when performing the tasks?
  • Who must learners work with or report to when performing the task?

Transfer skills

  • What is the range of ways learners may need to perform the tasks being trained? For example, if training how to bake a cake, what different types of cakes will they need to bake?

Step 4: Design the learning program

Design the 'shape' of your learning program by completing the table below.

Step 5: Develop a preliminary structure for the learning program

Organise content into sessions ('chunks' of topics), sequence the sessions and estimate session time.

Step 6: Create competency map to check that all requirements are covered

Create a competency map for your learning program.

  • Have you missed anything?
  • Have you over-covered anything?
  • Do you have to adjust your learning program content?

Elements and performance criteria

1 Identify workplace communication procedures

1.1 Identify organisational communication requirements and workplace procedures with assistance from appropriate people

1.2 Identify appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues

1.3 Seek advice on the communication method/equipment most appropriate for the task

2 Communicate in the workplace

2.1 Use effective questioning, and active listening and speaking skills to gather and convey information

2.2 Use appropriate non-verbal behaviour at all times

2.3 Encourage, acknowledge and act upon constructive feedback

3 Draft written information

3.1 Identify relevant procedures and formats for written information

3.2 Draft and present assigned written information for approval, ensuring it is written clearly, concisely and within designated timeframes

3.3 Ensure written information meets required standards of style, format and detail

3.4 Seek assistance and/or feedback to aid communication skills development

Step 7: Write learning outcome for each session

Write the learning outcomes for each session of your learning program.

Step 8: Develop activities and allocate time

Develop activities and allocate time for each session of your learning program

Step 9: Address WHS requirements

Identify hazards and risks posed by this training, and develop a risk control plan for your learning program.

Step 10: Complete the learning program plan

Use the template below to document your learning program plan (2 parts).

Step 11: Develop a learning program review strategy

Develop a strategy for how the draft of your learning program could be reviewed. Complete the following template.

DES Task 5 - Design and develop a competency-based learning program

Instructions to the candidate

Work as an individual to design and develop a competency-based learning program.

1. Select a unit of competency relevant to your vocational competence or area or expertise

2. Create a scenario based on typical learners that would attend the proposed learning program

3. Read, analyse and contextualise the unit of competency and its assessment requirements

4. Design and develop a competency-based learning program using the templates:

  • Confirm the design brief
  • Competency map (matrix)
  • Risk control plan
  • Learning program plan (2 parts)
  • Learning program review strategy.

Confirm the design brief

Program aims

1. Why is this program needed? What does it aim to achieve?

2. What is the competency standard? (code and title)

Learner information

3. Who are the target learners and what are their key characteristics?

4. Training needs: What existing skills and knowledge do the learners have that are relevant to the benchmark?

5. Learning needs: How do learners prefer to learn?

6. Support needs: What support might they need to successfully complete the program?

Other parameters

7. What other parameters, expectations or constraints should be considered when designing the learning program?

  • Deadlines
  • Expected program schedule or time frames
  • Expected delivery mode
  • Expected number of learners per group
  • Availability of learning or assessment materials
  • Availability of technology, equipment or other resources
  • Budget

Attachment:- DES Design training Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132380392

Questions Cloud

Emotional neglect can severely damage child mental health : Emotional neglect can severely damage a child's mental health. What are some of the long term consequences of emotional neglect?
Why e-mail become a critical component for ig implementation : From the chapter reading, we learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most comm on business.
Emotional neglect can severely damage child mental health : Emotional neglect can severely damage a child's mental health. What are some of the long term consequences of emotional neglect?
Evaluating the pros and cons of student recommendations : Select AT LEAST 3 other students' threads and post substantive comments on those threads by Sunday at midnight, evaluating the pros and cons of that student's.
TAEDES401 Design and Develop Learning Programs : TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs Assignment Help and Solution, Monash Training and Professional Development - Monash University, Australia
Corporal punishment is form of child abuse : Some researchers have argued that corporal punishment (spanking) is a form of child abuse.
What is the accumulated depreciation at the end of year 2 : Zach Company used the double-declining-balance method to depreciate its assets. What is the accumulated depreciation at the end of year 2?
What are some methods of attack to bypass the system : Assuming that an organization did not have any firewalls or other security equipment, but just an IPS, what are some methods of attack to bypass this system.
The amount of depreciation expense recognized in year is : The truck had an expected useful life of 100,000 miles over 8 years and a $5,000 salvage value. During Year 2, Wolly drove the truck 30,000 miles.



10/2/2019 2:33:10 AM

Need to do as per the requirement. I need an assignment for cert 4 in TAE 40116. Need to do the once which are not done. Before starting work, please read this entire document. It contains helpful and important information about the assessment tasks and how to present your work. You are required to organise and present your portfolio by typing your responses to assessment tasks using the space provided in this document or other templates. Your TAE trainer shall provide you with further details about submitting your portfolio of evidence. If your portfolio is disorganised, it may be returned without marking and you will be asked to re-organise, then re-submit. This assessment booklet is for the ‘DES Design training’ cluster.

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