TAEDEL404 Mentor in the workplace Assignment

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Reference no: EM132403839 , Length: word count:2000


TAEDEL404 Mentor in the workplace

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

SELC Australia

Assessment Task 1

1. Outline each legislation, regulation, code of practice and standard applicable to your State or Territory that impact the provision of workplace mentoring listed in the table.
Legislation, regulations, codes of practice and standards
Work health and safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations 15 January 2019
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018
National standards for ELICOS providers and courses

2. Explain a policy, legislation, regulation, code or standard that relates to training contracts, employer responsibilities, registered training organisations (RTO) and funding bodies in your State or Territory.

3. Explain each mentoring methodology listed in the table below.
Training-Based Mentoring
One-On-One Mentoring
Group Mentoring

4. Explain each mentoring strategy/technique listed in the table below.

5. Provide an overview of each learning theory listed in the table below and explain how it can relate to/impact mentoring.
Learning theory
The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy
Experiential Learning (Kolb)
Transformative Learning Theory (Mezirow)

6. List a minimum of two (2) techniques/strategies you can use to encourage each area of development listed in the table.
Area of development
Building rapport

7. List a minimum of three (3) acceptable and three (3) unacceptable behaviours in a mentoring relationship.

8. Explain each of the terms that are listed in the table below.
Equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination
Equity and human rights
Diversity in the workplace

9. List (3) ways that you as a mentor can support your mentee's employer with meeting their Work Health and Safety (WHS) obligations for the mentee.

10. Identify and describe three ways of collecting information to get feedback on a presentation. For each information collection method, explain how you can use the information to review your presentation.

11. Identify two examples of legislation or regulations that should be considered in planning and delivering a presentation. For each one you identify, explain how the legislation or regulation impacts on a presentation.

12. Identify two examples of organisational obligations and requirements that should be considered in planning and delivering a presentation. For each one you identify, explain how the organisational obligation or requirement impacts on a presentation.

13. Describe three principles of effective communication. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.

14. Outline two reasons why a presenter may choose to use presentation aids and materials to support presentations.

15. Describe two types of presentation aids that can be used to support presentations.
For each one, explain how you would use the presentation aid to support the presentation.

16. Describe two types of presentation materials that can be used to support presentations. For each one, explain how you would use the presentation aid or material to support the presentation.

Assessment Task 2


For this assessment, you are a consultant who works for Grow Management Consultants (GMC).

In the past 6 months, GMC has gone through a period of rapid growth. To help keep up with the demand, the organisation has hired three (3) school based trainees. Each work 7.5 hours per week. You have been assigned as a mentor for one of the trainees, Jack.

Jack is currently in year 11 and will be undertaking a Certificate III in business as his traineeship. He has a keen interest in finance and hopes to become an accountant in the future. He has been working at GMC for the past month and is finding the role challenging and interesting.

Your manager, Geraldine Healy, has asked that you develop a professional mentoring relationship with Jack over the next 12 months. After a preliminary meeting with Jack, he has developed the following goals:
1. To gain a greater awareness of opportunities and activities that can broaden my education
2. To effectively manage my time and be more productive
3. To communicate effectively with clients
4. To learn how to communicate effectively in networking situations
5. To develop a career plan for the next 5 years
You will be required to collaborate with Jack to develop a mentoring plan which incorporates the goals above and then facilitate monthly sessions to achieve all set goals.

Complete the following activity:

1. Meet with Jack and develop a mentoring plan in the first mentoring session

You must now meet with Jack to further discuss his developmental goals and develop a mentoring plan for the next twelve (12) months. To prepare for your meeting, you must access the following documents from your Student Resources Folder:

The session will go from 10am to 12pm. In the first session you will need to:
o Introduce yourself and provide an overview of your background
o Explain the mentoring process and requirements at GMC
o Collaborate with Jack to ensure each section of the mentoring plan is completed, ensuring Jack understands and agrees to:
? the scope and boundaries for the mentoring relationship
? ground rules
? expectations and timeframes
? confidentiality requirements
o Record session details in the ‘Session Log Template'

- During the session, you will need to demonstrate a range of skills including:
o Asking further questions and listening carefully to confirm and clarify understanding, seeking feedback as needed
o Developing Jack's confidence, self-esteem, respect and trust
o Building rapport with Jack
o Complying with legislative and organisational requirements, including establishing and maintaining confidentiality
o Speaking clearly and concisely
o Responding to questions
o Using active listening techniques to confirm or clarify information
o Non-verbal communication skills to show interest and encouragement, including smiling, nodding, eye contact.

Assessment Task 3: Assist mentee to manage workplace issues

Task summary

In Assessment Task 3 you are required to facilitate your second mentoring session where you will assist the mentee with problem solving an issue they are having in the workplace. You will provide guidance and share your own knowledge and experiences. You will also leverage your networks to assist the mentee and obtain advice when issues arise.

Assessment Task 3 Instructions


It has been four (4) months since the initial mentoring session. So far, Jack has been progressing well and has already achieved the following goals:
• Goal 2: To effectively manage my time and be more productive
• Goal 3: To communicate effectively with clients
In the session this month, you will be working with Jack to focus on how he can participate in networks. The activities you set will help to support him achieving the following goals:
- Goal 1: To gain a greater awareness of opportunities and activities that can broaden my education
- Goal 4: To learn how to communicate effectively in networking situations
You will be required facilitate the Month 4 session with Jack to support his development and provide guidance and advice. During the session, Jack will raise some issues that he has been having at work so you will need to ensure that you respond professionally and within the bounds of the mentoring relationship.

Should there a need for any matters to be escalated further, you will need to discuss this with Jack first to ensure confidentiality is not breached.

Complete the following activities:

1. Meet with Jack and provide support and guidance in the fourth mentoring session
You must now meet with Jack to further discuss his developmental needs and discuss ways that he can meet his remaining goals.

In the mentoring session you will need to:
o Ask Jack how he is and how things are generally
o Respond to Jacks questions and concerns using a range of techniques to:
? Generate potential solutions to the issue
? Assist with decision making
? Resolve differences and difficulties, without damaging the relationship)
o Discuss and set a minimum of two (2) potential activities to help Jack achieve his remaining goals, ensuring that you:
? Share your own experiences and knowledge with regard to networking
? Provide information and guidance
? Discuss potential people in your personal and professional network that you can introduce them to
o Record session details and the two (2) confirmed development activities in the ‘Session Log Template'

- During the session, you will need to demonstrate a range of skills including:
o Asking further questions and listening carefully to confirm and clarify understanding, seeking feedback as needed
o Developing Jack's confidence, self-esteem, respect and trust
o Building rapport with Jack
o Complying with legislative and organisational requirements, including establishing and maintaining confidentiality
o Speaking clearly and concisely
o Responding to questions
o Using active listening techniques to confirm or clarify information
o Non-verbal communication skills to show interest and encouragement, including smiling, nodding, eye contact.

2. Obtain assistance from management

While you managed the issues raised by Jack during the session to the best of your ability it has made you consider whether or not you have the skills you need to manage complex issues that are raised by a mentee.

To ensure that you can perform your role as a mentor to the best of your ability, you must request additional assistance. In accordance with GMC policies and procedures, the person you must contact is the Mentoring Manager, which is your manager Geraldine Healy.

To do this, you will need to:
- Write an email to Geraldine which includes the following information:
o An overview of the assistance you require
o A brief overview of why you are requesting assistance (without breaching Jack's confidence)
o A request for suggested resources you can access to support you when issues are raised
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
- Review your email to ensure it is compliant with GMC and legislative requirements
- Save your email
- Submit a copy of your email to your assessor.

3. Share network details with Jack

As agreed to in your mentoring session, you will share personal and work contact details with Jack to help him with developing his networking skills, communication skills and increasing his industry knowledge.

To do this, you will need to:
- Write an email to Jack which includes the following information:
o A recap of the activities you set in the session
o A minimum of three (3) contacts that Jack can liaise with including:
? Their contact details
? How they can assist Jack
o Tips for how they can make a good first impression
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
- Review your email to ensure it is compliant with GMC and legislative requirements

Assessment Task 4: Assist mentee to plan their career

Task summary
In this assessment, you are required to facilitate your third mentoring session where you will assist the mentee with their career planning. You must provide feedback with regard to progress for achieving expectations and goals of the mentoring process.

Assessment Task 4 Instructions

It has been seven (7) months since the initial mentoring session. So far, Jack has been progressing well and has already achieved the following goals:
• Goal 1: To gain a greater awareness of opportunities and activities that can broaden my education
• Goal 2: To effectively manage my time and be more productive
• Goal 3: To communicate effectively with clients
• Goal 4: To learn how to communicate effectively in networking situations
In the session this month, you will be working with Jack to help him with developing his career plan. His action last month was to develop the plan, so in this session, you will be assisting him with his plan and providing feedback.

Complete the following activity:

1. Meet with Jack and provide support and guidance in the seventh month session

You must now meet with Jack to further discuss his career plan and provide feedback and guidance as needed.

In the mentoring session you will need to:
o Ask Jack how he is and how things are generally
o Go through each section of Jack's career plan, helping him with his plan and providing feedback
o Discussing Jack's progress with set goals in terms of what has been achieved and what goals remain
o Record session details and an overview of the feedback and suggested changes you made in the ‘Session Log Template'

- During the session, you will need to demonstrate a range of skills including:
o Asking further questions and listening carefully to confirm and clarify understanding, seeking feedback as needed
o Developing Jack's confidence, self-esteem, respect and trust
o Building rapport with Jack
o Complying with legislative and organisational requirements, including establishing and maintaining confidentiality
o Speaking clearly and concisely
o Responding to questions
o Using active listening techniques to confirm or clarify information
o Non-verbal communication skills to show interest and encouragement, including smiling, nodding, eye contact.
At the end of this mentoring session, you must have a completed session log which clearly outlines the feedback you gave and suggestions you made. Submit your completed session log to your assessor.

Assessment Task 5: Manage closure of mentoring relationship
Task summary
In this assessment, you are required to negotiate a time to meet with the mentee to end the mentor relationship. You must facilitate your final mentoring session and discuss the benefits and learnings with the mentee. You will then report outcomes and suggested improvements to your manager.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

- Access to textbooks and other learning materials
- Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
- Mentoring Policies and Procedures
- Mentoring Plan (submitted in Assessment 2)
- Session Log Template
- Early Exit Form

Assessment Task 5 Instructions

It has been eight (8) months since the initial mentoring session. Jack has achieved all of his goals and wants to focus his time on finishing his Certificate III in business. He has asked if the mentoring relationship can end earlier than planned.

Complete the following activities:

1. Discuss changes in the mentoring relationship

As you and Jack have both signed a mentoring agreement and contract for the relationship to span 12 months, you will need to discuss changes to your plan with the Mentoring Manager, Geraldine Healy.

To do this, you will need to:
- Write an email to Geraldine which includes the following information:
o An overview of the situation
o An overview of Jack's request
o A confirmation of what you must do to proceed
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
- Review your email to ensure it is compliant with GMC and legislative requirements
- Save your email
- Submit a copy of your email to your assessor.

Assessment Task 6: Presentation project
Task summary
This assessment task requires the student to plan a presentation on mentoring. Students are then required to conduct their presentation, and then to evaluate it, identifying changes they could make based on the feedback received.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

- Access to textbooks/other learning materials
- Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
- Presentation Plan Template
- Presentation Requirements
- Presentation helper
- Place for presentation
- Presentation audience

Assessment Task 6 Instructions as provided to students

Complete the following activities:

1. Plan presentation
Assume following your experience of mentoring you decide to provide a presentation to staff on mentoring. You will need to plan a presentation on mentoring of approximately 15 minutes.

As you will have to provide a presentation of 15 minutes, you should make sure that you will be able to access enough information and prepare sufficient material for your presentation.

Use the Presentation Plan Template to guide your work.

2. Send an email to your assessor.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment, seek their feedback and Ask for them for the place, date and time of your presentation.

The email text should also ask about what equipment will be available, and whether there are any other considerations that you should make while preparing for your presentation.

Attach your completed Presentation Plan Template to the email.

3. Revise your presentation plan.
Update your presentation plan, taking into account feedback from your assessor on your presentation plan.
Also make any changes that you must make to your plan due to any physical or resource restrictions that your assessor has informed you about in their return email.

Save this document as Revised Presentation Plan. Submit your Revised Presentation Plan to your assessor.

4. Create your presentation.
This will include:
- preparing your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint according to the presentation strategy and format that you have chosen
- preparing the presentation aids and materials that you have identified as most suitable for your target audience.
Make sure you practice your presentation prior to delivery.

5. Write an evaluation plan.
Write a short (about half a page) report on how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation.

You should choose two techniques that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation and then prepare the associated documents. For example, if you choose to develop a survey you will need to develop a short questionnaire that you can provide to participants after the presentation.

The purpose of the evaluation is to seek feedback on participants' understanding of the ideas and concepts you presented, as well as their ideas on how you can improve your performance.

If your evaluation methods include hard copy questionnaires or similar, ensure that enough copies of these are printed out and brought to your presentation.

Attachment:- Mentor in the workplace.rar

Reference no: EM132403839

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