Reference no: EM132355626
Question: Sytematic reflection: Based on Article
ASSESSMENT TASK - Systematic reflection
Task description: For this assignment, you will need to reflect on the values, beliefs, opinions and learnings about mental health and illness
What you need to do:
• Read the Criterion Reference Assessment guide for this task. This will help you to understand what is required of you and how this assignment will be graded.
• Refer to the 5Rs Reflection framework below to understand how to frame your process of reflection
• Write a body for your essay (1000 words =/- 10%)
The body of your essay should include
• Reporting - what is the situation in the article about? What are the key issues?
• Responding - how your beliefs, attitudes and opinions about mental health and illness have formed.
• Relating - factors to consider include: your knowledge base (including how the media contributes to your understanding); your culture (age, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, class, and ability/disability), social context.
• Reasoning - reflection on how the key issues presented align with your existing knowledge, opinions and thinking about mental health and illness.
• Reconstructing - how you will integrate your new understandings of mental health and illness into your nursing practice.
• Why is the issue significant?
• What have I learned about the professional health care practice?
• How will the situation affect my future learning and the way I practice health care?
You will need to refer to the literature (peer reviewed journal articles) to support the key issues identified. This demonstrates that you have thought more deeply and critically about this analysis and are able to make connections between the issues in the newspaper article and what you have learned/current context.
APA Academic writing,
Minimun 10 references : 1 reference should be text book only, 9 references should be peer reviewed journal articles should be less than 7 year old.