Systems thinking and modeling for complex world

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133351681


Explain your view of learning in and about complex systems based on the discussions in chapter 1. Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (Sterman, Chapter 1).

Reference no: EM133351681

Questions Cloud

Expectation of the supply management operation : As a supply manager, what is your responsibility concerning top management's knowledge and expectation of the supply management operation?
What is digital supply chain infrastructure : What is digital supply chain infrastructure?
Eliminate the need for this maverick spend : What would be the best option to eliminate the need for this maverick spend?
Corporate mission of sustainable living : Identify 3 different practices that Unilever's supply managers employ to align with its corporate mission of sustainable living.
Systems thinking and modeling for complex world : Explain your view of learning in and about complex systems based on the discussions in chapter 1
Supply chain function and design dashboard : Name a company of your choice, business unit or supply chain function and design a dashboard that meets the requirements explained
Competencies are important to acquisitions : Discuss how Contracting Knowledge areas and Competencies are important to Acquisitions.
Prevalence and demographic differences in micro-accidents : Describe at least three hazards you are currently exposed to in your current job, volunteering or school environment.
Regulating workplace to address these income gaps : Should government be involved in regulating the workplace to address these income gaps?


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