Systems analysts maintain

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131559409

Topic 1: System Design

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Questions:

1. Some systems analysts maintain that source documents are unnecessary. They say that all input can be entered directly into the system, without wasting time in an intermediate step. Do you agree? Can you think of any situations where source documents are

2. Some systems analysts argue, "Give users what they ask for. If they want lots of reports and reams of data, then that is what you should provide. Otherwise, they will feel that you are trying to tell them how to do their jobs." Others say, "Systems analysts should let users know what information can be obtained from the system. If you listen to users, you'll never get anywhere, because they really don't know what they want and don't understand information systems." What do you think of these arguments?

Reference no: EM131559409

Questions Cloud

Write a quadratic equation with roots : Find the exact solution to the system of equations. Check your answer algebraically - Write a quadratic equation with roots ­3 and 4 in standard form.
Understanding of risk assessment : What is your understanding of risk assessment?
Determine the median and variance of the given data : Consider the following set of numbers: 10, 25, 13, 18, 40, 5. Determine the median and variance of these data. What should you do when the p-value is less?
Find the average number of cars sold each week : EXPECTED AUTO SALES Roger Hunt intends to purchase one of two car dealerships currently for sale in a certain city.
Systems analysts maintain : Some systems analysts maintain that source documents are unnecessary. They say that all input can be entered directly into the system.
Discuss the case of investment analysis : INVESTMENT ANALYSIS The proprietor of Midland Construction Company has to decide between two projects. He estimates that the first project will yield a profit.
What is max expected profit : EXPECTED PROFIT Max built a spec house at a cost of $450,000. He estimates that he can sell the house for $580,000, $570,000, or $560,000, with probabilities.
Instructions organized for a common purpose : Systems programs (software) consist of instructions organized for a common purpose and tell the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them.
Select a professional sports team and discuss about it : Select a professional sports team, college athletic department, or other sport related organization to serve as the basis for your plan.


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