Systematic review about chronic illness

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131046602 , Length: 50

The guideline for the project:

This is a systematic review about chronic illness, it aims to understand each literature health monitoring system components.

The literature is prepared in excel sheet (it has the major information about the literature to get a sense of the topic)

The report sections till now are:

1- Background (done-refer to the project document)

2- Methodology (done- refer to the project document)

3- Analysis:
3.1 Type of Illness system support
3.2 system component (features use table)
3.3 Evaluation
3.4 Qualitative & Quantitative Data
3.5 The measurement for system evaluation: ex: usefulness, satisfaction, compliance...etc.

I have attached a pdf file as well, a systematic review, to know what my expectations is.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131046602

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