Reference no: EM131517408
Discussion 1( CHERNO JALLOW )
Knowledge Management is not a technology rather it is a systematic process of creating, sharing, promoting and leveraging of an organization knowledge. In simple terms, Knowledge Management is about making sure that employees in an organization obtain the right knowledge at the right time as needed in order to create value and enhance organizational performance. There are four steps involve in the process of Knowledge Management.
1) Gathering:- This is to gather information from different sources. It is vital for a company to obtain information that can be useful to the company in the future.
2) Classification:- After gathering and generating information, the next step is to organized and classified the information in a way that provide a meaning.
3) Analyze:- Once the information is gathered and classified, then there is a need to analyze the information. This will allow the organization to make future projections.
4) Share:- After the information is analyzed, it is shared through the company. This will help get the info to those who would benefit from it.
Examples of Knowledge Management includes; expert systems, group ware and document management systems etc all of which help to ensure right employees have the right knowledge at the right time
Discussion 2 (JOHN SHADARE )
Knowledge management is not a technology. It is a collection of processes that governs the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge. Knowledge management can also be defined as the process of finding, gathering, assessing, organizing, and sharing information or knowledge. The information of knowledge consists of documents, procedures, resources, and worker skills. Knowledge management is a useful tool for companies to gather and organize important information so that tasks, and projects can be completed efficiently. It is also a tool to find the individuals with the desired skills to complete those tasks and project. So, knowledge management is essentially a map that outlines the flow of information so that a company can successfully fulfil their duties, tasks and projects. Examples of knowledge management systems are:
- Expert Systems- An information system used to make choices that would normally be performed by domain expert, such as diagnosis of a problem.
- Groupware- Facilitate collaboration between workers. They may assist workers in sharing appointment calendar or sending messages between them.
- Document Management Systems- Enable users to perform versioning, store and share documents, and search through documents more efficiently.
- Decision Support Systems- Presents information to user in a manner that they can make informed decisions more easily.
- Database Management Systems- It is used to store data and also provide for easy retrieval.
Discussion 3 (EYUCHE IJOMAH)
Knowledge management (KM) is a business process and not necessarily a technology. Knowledge management is doing what is needed to get the most out of knowledge resources. It is a process of creating, sharing, using, and managing the knowledge and information of an organization.
In terms of technology, KM has huge benefits from the use of information technology to support business process. The use of leading-edge information technologies (e.g., Web-based conferencing) to support KM mechanisms enables dramatic improvement in KM.
The examples of technology that supports knowledge management systems are:
Group collaboration system: This facilitates communication, collaboration amongst team members.
Artificial intelligence system: This is a system that behaves like humans.
Microsoft office systems: This includes word processing, desktop database, electronic messages, desktop publishing etc.