Reference no: EM131751920
The company that we are going to examine the information systems for is company, Nation Funeral Home. He uses MIMS Elite for making arrangements and securing families information, but he also uses other software to make his own templates for documents and doing his own photo editing. He also has a website that he uses
We are going to look at these information systems and discuss strengths and weaknesses with determine what could be improved
SWOT Analysis
Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities (for improvement), and threats (such as security concerns?) of the information system? LIST THEM!
a. Strengths
i. System uses Microsoft Office programs, therefore, there is much that can be done in house creating forms and using the system without paying a programmer
b. Weaknesses
i. Updating the merchandise table isn't an easy process
c. Opportunities
i. ?
d. Threats
i. Hacking the computer system, however, there isn't any banking information or credit card information stored, so I don't see a major issue