Syrian refugee problem

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Reference no: EM131001762 , Length: 1300 Words

Paper- 1300 words- -Syrian refugee problem- MLA referencing

Paper 1300 words, Attaching annotated bibliography done

Word limit : 1300 words

Topic Syrian refugee problem

Referencing : MLA format

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Syrian Refugee Problem
Syrian Refugee problem is an ongoing humanitarian crisis, which is affecting not only theSyrian people, but affecting various other European countries. The exodus of the refugees is massive and this is due to the internal conflict in the country. The issue had to be addressed on war footing basis, to stop this migration from Syria
1. Introduction
2. Background of the problem
3. Relevant statistics of the exodus of the migrants
4. Present situation and media coverage
5. UNHCR intervention and how far the problem was addressed
6. Steps taken by various governments for resolving the problem
7. Reactions of various governments to the issue and extension/ denial of help to the refugees
8. Recommendations to resolve the issue. Steps to be taken to improve the situation of the migrants
9. Conclusion
Audience: All political science students , researchers and general public.

Reference no: EM131001762

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