Synthesize the two frameworks for social policy analysis

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Reference no: EM131516308

In Unit , in your literature review, you were asked to identify the policies that are principal to the problem you selected for your Social Policies Critique project.

During this unit, you will submit an analysis of these social policies. This assignment will become a part of your final paper.

Select and outline two of the theoretical perspectives that you researched in the Unit 5 assignment. Identify each theory's strengths and weaknesses.

Compare and contrast, and then synthesize the two frameworks for social policy analysis with one another, being sure to identify any areas that the frameworks do not address.

Outline the policies you identified that address the social problem you selected. Use the two frameworks for social policy analysis you just discussed to analyze the policies that pertain to your selected social issue.

Be sure to follow the principal concepts and methods employed for social policy analysis. Discuss the theoretical relationships between the policy and the practice.

Reference no: EM131516308

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