Synthesize and summarize the work

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Reference no: EM133462579

Question 1) You will search 3 literature in databases for ONE qualitative article, ONE quantitative article, and ONE Systematic Review article that was published within 5 years of today's date, is peer-reviewed, and is related to your PICOT/clinical question. Reminder: All peer-reviewed research articles have methods, discussion, and results sections. Be careful not to submit a mixed research study which is a mix of both quantitative and qualitative elements or an EBP or QI project report.

Question 2) Ensure that you are using a PICOT topic (Nursing Staffing and Patient Safety: Shiftwork). Read the first few sentences of the methods section of your articles to assess what type of article you have. And make sure that the article you chose can answer your PICOT/clinical question.

Question 3) Do not begin your research until you review the (How to Identify Research Design/Methodology flow chart) posted below.

Question 4) Mixed methods studies are not allowed for this assignment and are identified by reading the first few sentences in the Methods section.

Question 5) Systematic review articles are not to be submitted as quantitative or qualitative articles. These can be easily confused with primary quantitative research articles. They have also been published in peer-reviewed journals but seek to synthesize and summarize the work of a particular sub-field rather than report on new results. Review articles will often lack a "Materials and Methods" section.

Reference no: EM133462579

Questions Cloud

Conduct a review of literature related to the unique needs : Conduct a review of literature related to the unique needs of providing service to clients who have been incarcerated or have criminal charges pending.
Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns : Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon's functional health patterns
What is the staff nurses role in evidence-based practice : What is the staff nurses role in evidence-based practice in your organization? How much do you think evidence-based practice is valued by your colleagues
Describe a client who is exhibiting problematic behaviors : Describe a specific client/student who is exhibiting problematic behaviors and define the desired behavior you wish to see.
Synthesize and summarize the work : synthesize and summarize the work of a particular sub-field rather than report on new results. Review articles will often lack a "Materials and Methods" section
Environment of increasing e-activism : What strategies would a proactive public manager take in an environment of increasing e-activism?
How do these two articles support the nursing practice : Background of Studies Summary of studies including problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research questions.
Community health nursing embodies prevention : Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that summarizes CHN vs. PHN, note the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention
List way that early childhood educators can support children : List one way that early childhood educators can support children in each of those family groups. Reference the textbook and articles to justify your responses.


Write a Review

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