SWTP624 Social Work with Children, Youth and Family

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Reference no: EM132970693

SWTP624 Social Work with Children, Youth and Family - Australian Catholic University

Assignment - Role Play Reflection / Critique

Information about the scenarios:
In selecting your case scenario, please be aware that Assessments 2 & 3 are designed to be formative i.e. whatever scenario you choose in this Assessment, you will be required to expand upon in Assessment 3.
For Assessment 3 you will be given more information about the child/young
person's family and required to write a report based on assessment of the family.

Information about the role play and assessable components:
Each student must undertake a 20-minute role play, based on one of the 3 case scenarios provided below, where they play the social worker/interviewer, and another person plays the client/young person.

While this role play can be recorded, the recording must only be used for the purposes of aiding the interviewer in the write-up of their reflection paper.

You will not be required to upload any recording of the role play - it is only your written analysis/reflection that will be marked. There are a number of resources to support you in role plays / reflective writing in the ‘Assessment resources' section on LEO.

Scenario 1:

Jaxon (pronouns he/him) is a 14-year-old Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay (Indigenous Australian) young man who hasn't been attending school very regularly this year. This has led to considerable conflict with his father and step-mother, with whom he lives. Jaxon has two younger siblings, Matt (7) and Holly (5) who live with his mother about an hours' drive away. Jaxon misses them, but his mother is also angry with him about his non-attendance at school. Jaxon feels that no-one understands him. A couple of times a week Jaxon does come into the community youth drop-in centre. One of the youth workers there has suggested to Jaxon that he come and talk with you as the social worker with the associated family support service. With Jaxon's agreement, the youth worker has made a time for Jaxon to
meet with you.

Scenario 2:
Marnie (pronouns she/her) is an 11-year-old young person who came into foster care two weeks ago. Marnie and her younger sister, Hope (pronouns she/her, 6 years of age) are living with foster carers, a married couple in their early 50s, and have just started at a new school. Marnie and Hope's mother relinquished the children into temporary care voluntarily following a serious mental health event that involved her spending several weeks in hospital. The foster carers report that Marnie appears very withdrawn and unhappy and is reportedly barely communicating with the carers, although they have said Marnie is very caring and affectionate with Hope. As Marnie's Case Manager employed by the Government Child Protection Department in your State, you have made a time to see Marnie one-on-one to discuss how she is going.

Scenario 3:
Jasmine (pronouns she/her) is a 16-year-old transgender young woman who has been living at the Mulberry Hill Youth Refuge for the past few months. Jasmine is an only child and was living with her mother before coming to the refuge. Her parents separated when she was two and she now only has occasional contact with her father who lives in Perth. Jasmine became homeless following a very heated argument with her mother's boyfriend about her desire to begin medical gender transition. Jasmine is still attending school, but feels she has little chance of completing her year 12 this year as she has been struggling to concentrate on her studies. Jasmine is interested in a career in social work / youth work. Jasmine hasn't had any contact with her mother for nearly two months, and also realises that she can't stay at the refuge in the longer-term. Jasmine has come to see you, the service co-ordinator and social worker to talk about ‘where to from here?'


Purpose of feedback (from person in ‘client' role):
To facilitate the social worker / interviewer's reflection on the engagement with the client and exploration of issues/feelings. These questions can also be utilised by the social worker / interviewer in reflecting on their own engagement with the client.

What were the active listening skills that you observed?
Introduction, role and structure

Active listening - Examples:

Non-verbal attendance - Examples:

Empathic responses - Examples:

Reflection of content and feelings - Examples:

Summarising - Examples:

Paraphrasing - Examples:

Exploration with open-ended questions - Examples:

Use of language:
Engaging with client's verbal expressions / use of language

Strengths focus:
Identify client's coping mechanisms, supports and solutions

Ability to work with strong emotions:
Has the worker recognised which emotions are being expressed?
Has the worker reflected on what these emotions mean for the client?
How is the worker responding to the emotions expressed by the client?

Capacity to make links to structural issues
Is the worker able to identify which structural issues are involved?
Is the worker able to convey this to the client in a way that is consistent with the client's language and where they are at?

Is the worker able to recognise the values being expressed in their work with the client? (personal, professional, societal)

How are the issues of power being managed in this interaction?

Attachment:- Case studies for Assessment.rar

Reference no: EM132970693

Questions Cloud

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Find the probability that family picked at random will have : Assume that annual family incomes are normally. Find The probability that a family picked at random will have an income below $30,000.00 is
SWTP624 Social Work with Children, Youth and Family : SWTP624 Social Work with Children, Youth and Family Assignment Help and Solution, Australian Catholic University - Assessment Writing Service
Which of the over-specifying a model refers : Over-specifying a model refers to which of the following? One or more of the independent variables included in the model has a partial effect on y.
Describe in general terms the features of a transaction : Why is it considered important that the economic substance of a transaction be reflected in the financial statements over its legal form?
How the transactions should be accounted for under ifrs : How the transactions should be accounted for under IFRS, justifying for your answer, Assume no entries have already been made in respect of the transaction.
Applying the appropriate concepts in accounting for property : Applying the appropriate concepts/assumptions in accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment is an important element in preparing their financial statements.


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