Sustainable development goals

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Reference no: EM133262762

1. Read about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

2. Choose 1 of the 17 that aligns with your personal advocacy.

3. Identify the Problem.

4. Explain the Problem.

5. Find a workable Solution.

6. Conclude your research with your personal agenda, as a citizen, what are you going to do to effectively implement the solution/s to the problem.

7. Do not forget to include your sources.

Reference no: EM133262762

Questions Cloud

What are advantages-disadvantages of greenfield investment : What are the advantages and disadvantages of greenfield investment, acquisition, or joint venture entry strategies?
Explain the argument for realism : 1. Articulate the main objections to Ethical Realism and how the Realist might respond to each.
Outcomes of the second punic war : What were the outcomes of the second Punic War and why were these outcomes so different than the outcomes of Rome's war against the Latiums?
Civil disobedience problem : Could you please review what I have written down about this civil disobedience problem and let me know what you think of my over all report. Please let me know
Sustainable development goals : 1. Read about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. 2. Choose 1 of the 17 that aligns with your personal advocacy.
Role and significance in making moral decisions : What is "impartiality?" Elaborate its role and significance in making moral decisions
Which of statements represents restaurant research problem : A restaurant chain is experiencing high volumes of traffic at several locations, resulting in long waits and some complaints from customers.
Questions on aristotle politics : What is the aim or goal of all human communities/associations as Aristotle understands it? (p. 1.)
Different things worthy of affection : Aristotle distinguishes between three kinds of friendships based on three different things worthy of affection. What are the three things worthy of affection?


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