Sustainability issue that a community or province is facing

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Reference no: EM133190926 , Length: Word count: 1600 words

Assignment Problem: Pick sustainability issue that a community, city or province is presently facing in Canada. The issue may be of national significance but the issue should be discussed from a provincial, city or local community perspective. This is to ensure that you do not pick up a topic that is too broad in scope.

Provide "in-text" citations; this means mentioning the source whenever you use facts and figures from a published source next to where you quote the information in the document. Also list all quoted sources at the end of the document in the "Reference" section. Do not mention any source not used in your paper (I want you to add a reference, not a bibliography). Use any of the common citation styles consistently (e.g., Chicago, APA, MLA etc.).

Please do not copy and paste sections from existing articles or reports.

Given that sustainability is an integrative concept with many possible dimensions, e.g., environmental, social, economic, political (governance) and ethical, you have to set the context by highlighting all those aspects (as applicable). In addition, while making recommendations on how to tackle the issue, please limit the number of recommendations to 3 or less (you may make just one recommendation if you like but make sure to include adequate justifications for your chosen option(s).

Suggested Structure:

Problem 1: The issue (including potential impacts): what is at stake? Why should we care?

Problem 2: Underlying causes: What is/are causing this issue? Provide brief historical overview if relevant.

Problem 3: Possible actions: What can be done? What is being actually done to address the issue? (By government, businesses, NGOs, community groups, individuals...)

Problem 4: Challenges: What are the key challenges to addressing this issue (why is it difficult to solve)?

Problem 5: Recommendations: What are your top recommendations (no more than three; provide justifications)?

Reference no: EM133190926

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