Susceptible to environmental hazards or stressors

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133639819


What environmental hazards and stressors (stimuli in the environment that cause stress) are people exposed to and at what levels and for how long in Compton California ? What is the chance that people will experience health problems when exposed to different levels of these hazards and environmental stressors? Is there a level below which these environmental hazards or stressors don't pose a human health risk?

Are some people more likely to be susceptible to environmental hazards or stressors because of factors such as age, genetics, pre-existing health conditions, ethnic practices, gender, etc.? Are some people more likely to be exposed to environmental hazards or stressors because of factors such as where they work, where they play, what they like to eat, etc.?

Reference no: EM133639819

Questions Cloud

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Describe health effects and risk factors of lead exposure : Describe the health effects and risk factors of lead exposure in children and how it is transmitted.
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Susceptible to environmental hazards or stressors : Are some people more likely to be susceptible to environmental hazards or stressors because of factors such as age, genetics, pre-existing health conditions,
Discuss the concept of unhealthy lifestyle : Discuss the concept of an unhealthy lifestyle. Choose at least two of the problems above, created by unhealthy lifestyle, and discuss:
What are the potential strategies : What are the potential strategies that would assist the client to a better life?
Examine the etiology of somatic diseases : Examine the etiology of somatic diseases. What are the underlying factors? Enumerate at least two methodologies for treatment.
Prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension : Explanation of the Relationships Between Prevalence of Uncontrolled Hypertension, Hospital Rate due to Uncontrolled Hypertension


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