Survival emp disaster case - critical thinking analysis

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM133344458

Survival (EMP Disaster) Case Study Scenario

Leadership Applied - Critical Thinking Analysis

Background Intel:

On Saturday, 18 Feb 2023 at 3:14 AM, EDT, three unidentified aircraft crossed into US air-space from the north, flying at high altitudes: one flew over Flathead National Forest in Montana, heading towards Colorado Springs, CO; one across the Canadian- Michigan border heading towards Louisville, KY; and the last one crossing into the country at the New Brunswick (Canada)-Maine border heading towards New York City.

Once they dropped payloads over their intended targets--Cheyenne Mountain Military Facility, Fort Knox, and downtown Manhattan, respectively--the republic that was established in 1776, known as the United States of America, essentially ceased to exist. These payloads were tactical nuclear weapons and once detonated, high in the atmosphere overhead, resulted in an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that violently thrust America back to the Medieval Ages.

The federal government that remained, headquartered in an undisclosed location, likely somewhere in the lower Southwest near the Brownsville, TX-Mexican border, declared a national state-of-emergency on 20 Feb 2023. During this message (which was only initially heard by a small few nationally, but eventually spread by word-of- mouth), it was formally announced that the US Post-Master General, Lucy Eleanor Roberts, whose position had actually been removed from the POTUS line-of-succession in 1971, was now the Acting-President of what was left of the country. During her message, she issued an executive order declaring that states could and should declare martial-law, as appropriate. Shortly thereafter, the Governor of Alabama ordered the closing of all major roads and highway routes leading into the state capital region, specifically I-65 south of Birmingham, in Shelby County and north of Mobile, in Escambia County.

Assignment Guidance and Instructions:

• You are required to create and submit a written "Action Plan"
• To enhance the credibility of your plan, it should reflect some basic knowledge of the actual impact an EMP Disaster would cause the United States, so some background research will be assumed.
• DO NOT include (in other words, don't repeat verbatim) the Scenario Background information above in your Action Plan, as it is assumed you fully understand your situation and will act accordingly; however, you can "refer" to elements in the scenario for reference and support, as necessary, in the discussion of your Plan's creation and implementation.

• Assessment of your assignment will greatly focus on the level-of-analysis you present for your situation (more details are given below about actual members of your group). You should submit a well-thought-out, well-written, "Action Plan" that includes appropriate references and support from the course concepts presented this semester. In other words, do not expect to "wing it"-this is a leadership and teamwork course, so your discussion should specifically highlight these elements.

On the way back home from visiting relatives in Camden, AL, your vehicle suddenly broke down and you found yourself stranded on State Road 10, outside of Oak Hill, a small, rural town in southeast Wilcox County, Alabama. After all the "lights went out" and living in the stone age became a reality, this area and its unlikely band of survivors became your new family and home.
The EMP disaster that followed the nuclear attack on the US, at first, caused massive confusion and high-levels of anxiety, as no one knew what had really happened, since no communications from any "news sources" were available. Fortunately, the town folks in your small rural community quickly understood the scope of the situation and got together to discuss options; specifically, to formulate an "action plan" to gain back some semblance of civilization. In other words, to begin the cessation of this horrible situation and to solve the problems brought on by the EMP disaster.
The following descriptions are for the members of your inner circle of community members and associates, of which you have been "elected" to lead.
You - Last job: Assistant Director, Emergency Operations and Contingency Plans, AL Crisis Management Agency. You were in this position for 7 years and are well acquainted with the mayors and city leaders of the key cities in the counties across the south of the state. Because of your former position, you have been given complete authority to oversee and execute your "action plan" as you see fit, following the specific assignment guidelines, to include the delegation of roles and responsibilities of your inner circle members, as appropriate to the successful implementation of the plan.
However, you are still ultimately responsible for the creation, implementation and success of the plan.
Mr. Charlton Leavell - Last job: Sheriff of Butler County, 61 years old. Sheriff Leavell was attending a regional law enforcement conference in Camden, AL when the EMP explosions left him stranded in Wilcox County and this new way of life and town became his reality. "Chuck," as he is known locally, has 39 years of law enforcement experience and served as a Colonel in the recently disbanded AL State Defense Force. He is well-known throughout the region for his fairmindedness, objectivity, and empathy towards the "less-fortunate" citizens of the state. Sheriff Leavell, due to his breadth of knowledge and decades of experience, frequently pursues his own agenda with what he believes is the right solution and balks at any bureaucratic-type process which requires other's inputs and unanimous approval. However, he does follow the orders of recognized authority and can be trusted to ensure proper implementation as directed-sometimes reluctantly, and always with his opinion included. Alfie never married and has no immediate family.
Gabriel French - Last job: Part-time cook with a local Food Truck restaurant and an undergraduate Army ROTC student at Camden University, 21 years old. Gabbie managed to find his way home from the university after "we fell off the grid." He is in great physical health and is knowledgeable of military sciences and operational field tactics. Prior to the current situation, he completed his ROTC leadership field exercises and graduated with distinction from the US Army's ROTC "field survival" school. Gabriel is also qualified as an Expert Marksman and comfortable with a wide range of weapons and firearms. Although he was an ROTC cadet, his college major was European History with a minor in Medieval Art.
Dr. Emily "Em" Collins - Last job: Assistant Professor of Latin American Studies at Crenshaw College in Luverne, AL, 26 years old. She grew up in Pineapple, AL. This was her first teaching position since obtaining her PhD in Anthropology from a prestigious university in the Northwest and taught undergraduate courses in sub- cultures and sociology; however, her expertise is in Latin American history. Dr.
Collins has presented several conference papers and has been recognized for her attention to detail and stringent research methodologies. Em, as she is known locally, can be described as having an introverted personality, choosing to express her knowledge through the written word and not verbally. Therefore, she will usually stay in the background of group settings and will only speak when asked specific questions which pertain to her areas of knowledge and expertise.
Dr. Phillip Collins - Last job: Chief Veterinarian, Wilcox County Regional Animal Shelter and owner of Pineapple Critters Animal Hospital, 53 years old, father to Dr. Emily Collins. "Dr. Phil", as he is known locally, completed his medical degree 26 years ago, shortly after his daughter was born, on an ROTC scholarship, serving his enlistment in the AL Air National Guard as a Physician's Assistant (PA). After returning to his small, rural hometown, he became the local "vet," based solely on his previous medical experience and love of animals. However, he is an avid hunter and self-declared "prepper." He is outspoken and very protective of his daughter, since losing his wife a few years ago to cancer. Dr. Phil truly understands the benefits of living with a group of individuals in this "new world normal" and goes above and beyond to ensure the community is well taken care of. He is extremely cautious and wary of any and all outsiders to the town. Although he is only 53 years old, he takes daily medication for his High Blood Pressure, which he has only a short, two-week supply remaining.
Ms. Melinda Chen - Last job: Head of Nursing, Surgical Ward, at Wilcox District Hospital in Camden, 36 years old. Nurse "Mindy," as she is known locally, grew up in another small, remote town in southeast Wilcox County. She had 12 years of nursing experience at this facility, with 5 years of prior Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) experience with the Awin Volunteer fire department. Nurse Mindy is a self-starter, with a no-nonsense personality. Due to her extensive experience in high-stress situations, she tends to get bored easily if there is no "action," such as in any strategic planning sessions. Melinda enjoyed an active life-style, choosing outdoor activities during her few off-days, such as hunting, survival-excursions, and wood-working. In fact, she is an avid cross-bow archer and is very familiar with the backwoods area of this region.
She has also logged 1,999 hours in a Cirrus SR22 G3 aircraft while studying for her pilot's license.
Mr. Lucas Savior - Last job: Water Facility Plant Manager, City of Gee's Bend, AL, 49 years old. Mr. Savior has a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and 27 years of experience in city utility planning and operations. He is a well-respected member of the Wilcox County Utilities Board Strategic Planning Commission and a long-standing member of the State Civil Engineers Society. Mr. Savior was a co-owner of a local family-owned hardware store and has numerous business and governmental contacts throughout the state and region. In fact, "Luke" (as he known in his local amateur radio club) is well-known in the area as an expert radio operator (WD4FKE) and has attended the annual "Hamfest" in Camden for many years, where he has met other "hams" in town. Several years ago, he lost an arm and an eye in a plant accident and is keenly aware of his disability. Luke is equipped with a workable, very high-tech, prosthetic arm and is quite capable of any tasks given him. He taught numerous safety courses for local businesses and was a favorite instructor among county middle school students as a participant mentor in the county's Junior Achievement (JA) program. He is also a volunteer at the local town library.
Camille "Cami" Razat - Last job: 8th grader at Wilcox County Middle School, 13 years old. Camille, known among her school friends as "Cami," lost both of her parents in a plane crash that occurred immediately after the second EMP exploded. Mr. Savior was a close family friend and took her into his home after their deaths. Cami played the Flute and was in the band's flag corps. She was a student officer in the school's Junior Achievement program and was very active in the after-school music program at the local community center. Although otherwise healthy, she is a diabetic and requires daily insulin injections. Cami only had a one-month supply at her house, so once the power went out, this proved to be a major concern for her survival.
Mr. Alfred English - Last job: Senior Vice President of Finance, 1st Federal Savings and Loan Bank of Wilcox County, 77 years old. He has lived in the small town of Pineapple, AL all of his life. After graduating from college in 1966 with a degree in accounting, "Alfie" volunteered for the U.S. Marine Corps, serving a combat tour in Vietnam as a Security and Intelligence Liaison Officer in support of Operation CEDAR FALLS. After his honorable discharge in 1968, he joined the newly opened 1st Federal Savings and Loan Bank of Wilcox as a clerk supervisor and has been working there for the past 52 years, having been promoted to his current position 23 years ago. Mr.
English was also an adjunct instructor at Camden University, teaching online classes through the Continuing Education department. He was happily married to his wife, Sylvie, for 50 years, until she fell victim to the EMP disaster while driving home late from her sister's house, down Interstate 65--her car suddenly "went dead" while doing 75 MPH and she collided with an 18-wheeler that had also suddenly stopped in front of her. Mr. English has since dedicated his life to helping victims of the EMP attacks in any way possible and is very focused on survival and honored to be a part of this eclectic group-and as he sees it, his new family. Alfie has major issues with his eye- sight and only has one pair of prescription glasses for this malady.
Current additional situation update:

• The EMP disaster caused severe panic and major disruptions of normal societal functions throughout the United States and especially in your area of responsibility (AOR), hit particularly hard, since it is a remote area of the state and not subject to readily available or renewable resources. City streets and local highways are mostly abandoned with very few travelers on the road. While the lack of readily available resources has long since been a reality and minor looting is still present, most businesses have long since been fully emptied of their inventories and thus you should not expect significant resources from this option.
• Also, the appropriation of facilities for communal, societal functions and processes, such as health care or security, should be discussed. You should plan to discuss this, as well as all relevant issues, in the appropriate sections of the "Action Plan" based on the assignment guidance, as instructed.
• As the acknowledged leader of your small group of citizens, your main responsibility is to develop an "action plan" according to the specifications laid out in the assignment instructions. During the creation and development stage of your plan, you should cover all relevant areas of concern that you would expect to have in this particular situation, focusing on the leadership and team issues put forward in the assignment guidance and scenarios above.
• You should not assume access to more individuals than are currently in your inner circle, e.g. for security purposes, you can expect to protect access into your community (AOR) with the members of your community. However, because of obvious limitations, you should expect issues to arise from not having enough personnel to cover all access points and thus, you should discuss what your plan is to solve this problem in the appropriate section of your "action plan."
• Another assumption for this scenario is that you may come into contact with other survivors looking for sanctuary or roamers, looking for resources to take at any cost. Within the appropriate section(s) of the assignment guidance, you should discuss your plans to deal with these types of issues.

Attachment:- scenario.rar

Reference no: EM133344458

Questions Cloud

How will you apply this topic in real life : Which topic within this course has been the most valuable to your learning experience? How will you apply this topic in real life and in your future career?
What you learned in this course health policy and disparity : Analyze and evaluate how your thinking was challenged in this course related to (1) advocacy for population health, (2) disaster preparedness, and (3) health
How could you work with the patient to obtain records : Discuss your ideas for capturing this data: promoting screening (to patients and providers) and gathering data on completed screenings.
Include an analysis for the evaluation plan : Include an analysis for the evaluation plan in place for individual sessions and the program as a whole. Please put references used. This is for a nursing
Survival emp disaster case - critical thinking analysis : IST 495 Internship, The Pennsylvania State University - Critical Thinking Analysis - reflect some basic knowledge of the actual impact an EMP Disaster
Considering the topic in patients admitted to the pacu unit : Considering the topic "In patients admitted to the PACU unit, how does music therapy, compared to no music therapy, result in less pain during their length
List important things you learned from diabetic ketoacidosis : List three important things you learned from Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), Management of Hypoglycemia, type 2 diabetic. These should be what you think
How the higher costs of the hospital ehr offer may be offset : Identify which technological components of their new system should be considered that would most help the parents of the kids seen at this clinic?
Identify the two categories of pulmonary disorders : Identify the two categories of pulmonary disorders and the importance of nutritional status for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).



2/22/2023 9:27:21 PM

Attached below are the Critical Thinking Analysis: Case Study instructions (one document includes general assignment requirements and instructions; the other includes specific details of the "Case Study Scenario" and some guidance relevant to completing this assignment). Note: the last link below is included as a resource to assist you, as necessary, in completing this assignment. 1. General Assignment Requirements and Guidance: 2. Case Study Scenario details (includes some additional Assignment Guidance)

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