Surgical spine fusion this morning

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Reference no: EM133361669

Carla Banks is a 48 year old female she was admitted to the MedSurg unit after receiving a surgical spine fusion this morning . She has a history of depression, anxiety ankylosing, spondylitis, and chronic pain.. her anabiotic is Clinda myosin 600 mg PO which is scheduled for eight hours and the next dose is at 22:00 call S1 her milligrams PO is scheduled at 19:00 she received 2 mg of morphine IV and 10 mg of Percocet for rating her pain 8 to 10 at 1700 Dr. long is aware of her history and prescribe her alprazolam 0.5 mg PO every eight hours as needed for anxiety. She has shown increased anxiety since her surgery so our prayers of lamb was given at 1630. She is resting now and asked to not be disturbed list three priorities for your day.

Reference no: EM133361669

Questions Cloud

Policy maker what would you encourage the community : Since health care values and beliefs tend to be local, as a policy maker what would you encourage the community
Prevent dysfunction and improve health status : Identify a cardiac or respiratory dysfunction and its cause. Outline the key steps necessary to prevent the dysfunction and improve health status.
Explain in terms of concept analysis and evaluation : Explain in terms of the concept analysis and evaluation- Long Term Care Facility-Based and Residential Settings.
Did mary and sue violate marylands scope of practice : Did Mary and Sue violate Maryland's scope of practice? Would the crime(s) be prosecuted at the Federal or State level? Why?
Surgical spine fusion this morning : Carla Banks is a 48 year old female she was admitted to the MedSurg unit after receiving a surgical spine fusion this morning
What factors influence loss and grief in older adults : What factors influence loss and grief in older adults? Describe adaptive and maladaptive cues an older adult client may exhibit.
Six Domains of Burden : Refer to the ANIA statement for the Six Domains of Burden-A Conceptual Framework to address the burden of documentation.
How will our bureaucratic institutions : As a nurse, how will our bureaucratic institutions and their policies affect you on a day-to-day basis?
Clinical judgment in our daily practice can influence : Clinical judgment in our daily practice can influence how we (nurses) take care of our patients.


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