Surgical procedure in the operating room

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132538843 , Length: word count:10,500


Abstract: Acknowledgements:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Methodology

Chapter 3: Results

Chapter 4: Discussion

Chapter 5: Conclusion References:

Chapter 1 Introduction
• Tell me the story, what is the background about your research topic area.
• You might want to use sub chapters to emphasis specific points or different issues that are relevant to your background. These might become apparent as themes that recur from the literature or might be over a course of time.
• Use diagrams and illustrations. A literature review is a lot of words, an illustration can be used to emphasis a point, describe something without using the word limit and break up the text for the reader.

Chapter 2 Methodology
• Use PICO or another framework to illustrate your search terms.
• Don't forget hand searching (back chaining) and grey literature
• Use at least 4 data bases, 3 specific and 1 general. Do a screen shot of your search and put this in your appendix and/or show your search with Boolean operators. (appendix 1)
• Put in a table with your search results e.g. table 1 and support this with a prism flow chart (appendix 2)
• Think about your inclusion and exclusion criteria and justify your approach

Chapter 3: Results
• Describe hierarchy of evidence
• Put in your critiquing tool and justify its use
• Put in a summary of the papers e.g. in table 2

Chapter 4: Discussion
This is where you bring together the "story" from the literature collected from your methodology section

Chapter 5: Conclusion

What did you conclude from the literature? Nothing new in this section...

You can include a sub chapter which will be recommendations.. Acknowledge limitations Suggest further research.

Reference no: EM132538843

Questions Cloud

What is marianne net worth : Her credit card has a balance of $3,400 and she has an unpaid medical bill of $1,890. What is Marianne's net worth
Determining the net worth change : Amex bank reports an average asset duration of 7 years and an average liability duration of 4 years. The bank recorded total assets of $1.8
Interest rate changes as anticipated : What change (in percentage terms) will this bond price experience if interest rate changes as anticipated?
Estimate the present value of received at the start : Estimate the present value of $10,000 received at the start of every year for 20 years if the interest rate is J1 = 12% p.a. and if the first payment of $10,000
Surgical procedure in the operating room : Illustration can be used to emphasis a point, describe something without using the word limit and break up the text for the reader
What is the purpose of cumulative voting : What is the purpose of cumulative voting? (In addition to allowing some minority representation on the board of directors)
What is the expected return if shares are bought : There is equal probability for the company stock to be sold at $ 25, $ 40 , 55 and $ 80 during the next year. What is expected return if 150 shares are bought?
Find the outstanding principal after paying : A loan of EGP 10,000 is to be amortized with 4 equal quarterly payments at j4 = 10%. Find the outstanding principal after paying the third Quarterly payment.
Estimate how much should deposit every month into account : Estimate How much should he deposit every month into his account? John is currently 25 years old. He has $10,000 saved up and wishes to deposit.


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