Supposing the sanchezes use the second loan to landscape

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Reference no: EM13460020

Javier and Anita Sanchez purchased a home on January 1, year 1 for $500,000 by paying $200,000 down and borrowing the remaining $300,000 with a 7 percent loan secured by the home. The loan requires interest-only payments for the first five years. The Sanchezes would itemize deductions even if they did not have any deductible interest. On January 1, the Sanchezes also borrowed money on a second loan secured by the home for $75,000. The interest rate on the loan is 8 percent and the Sanchezes make interest-only payments in year 1 on the second loan.

a. Assuming the Sanchezes use the second loan to landscape the yard to their home, what is the maximum amount of interest expense (on both loans combined) they are allowed to deduct year 1?

b. Assume the original facts and that the Sanchezes use the $75,000 loan proceeds for an extended family vacation. What is the maximum amount of interest expense (on both loans combined) they are allowed to deduct in year 1?

c. Assume the original facts, except that the Sanchezes borrow $120,000 on the second loan and they use the proceeds for an extended family vacation and other personal expenses. What is the maximum amount of interest expense (on both loans combined) they are allowed to deduct in year 1?

Reference no: EM13460020

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