Supposed to swap numbers

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13165682

The program is supposed to swap numbers, but I am stuck something is wrong! It does not swap them it repeats the second number, please help to fix! Thanks, this is in C++.

Code Below:

// This program takes two values from the user and then swaps them
// before printing the values. The user will be prompted to enter
// both numbers.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
     float firstNumber;
     float secondNumber;

     // Prompt user to enter the first number.
     cout << "Enter the first number" << endl;
     cout << "Then hit enter" << endl;
     cin >> firstNumber;

     // Prompt user to enter the second number.
     cout << "Enter the second number" << endl;
     cout << "Then hit enter" << endl;
     cin >> secondNumber;

     // Echo print the input.
     cout << endl << "You input the numbers as " << firstNumber << " and " << secondNumber << endl;

     // Now we will swap the values.
     firstNumber = secondNumber;
     secondNumber = firstNumber;

     // Output the values.
     cout << "After swapping, the values of the two numbers are " << firstNumber << " and " << secondNumber << endl;
     return 0;

Reference no: EM13165682

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