Supporting and contrasting theories

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Reference no: EM131581565

Discussion: Motivation Theory: Supporting and Contrasting Theories

When you want to build a ship, do not begin by gathering wood, cutting boards, and distributing work, but rather awaken within men the desire for the vast and endless sea.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince (1943)

Previously, you may not have consciously considered what motivates you or those around you. However, considering your personal and your colleagues' experiences with motivation-along with insight provided by research on motivation and leadership-may help you to better motivate yourself and others. As a global change agent, you might find the motivation theory and supporting theories helpful as you gain insight into this theory and its relevancy to you and others. Perhaps you can begin by asking yourself, "How will I recognize my motivation for developing leadership skills so that board members will evaluate me for an executive leadership role?"

To prepare for this Discussion, consider the scope of motivation theories (e.g., inspirational motivation and the path-goal and expectancy theories) and the various components of motivation. Share with your colleagues how at least three aspects of motivation (i.e., the will to lead, express dominance, and commit to the social good of the organization) are essential in developing leadership skills (Northouse, 2016, pp. 52-53).

By Day 3

Post your analysis of three aspects of motivation (i.e., the will to lead, express dominance, and commit to the social good of the organization) that are essential in developing leadership skills and your personal experience recognizing motivation exhibited by an employee within the workplace. In your analysis, do the following:

  • Describe three aspects of motivation that support leadership skills and an example of how a work colleague, employee, or leader exhibited these aspects of motivation.
  • Explain how each of these aspects of your analysis relates to the motivation and leadership theory.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week's Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.

Refer to the Week 4 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Reference no: EM131581565

Questions Cloud

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Writing-sports dietary supplements : Review three dietary supplements you find at home or in the store. Describe what you find on the label in terms of content and claims.
Calculating the average collection period : Calculating the Average Collection Period. What is the receivables turnover? The days' sales in receivables?
Supporting and contrasting theories : When you want to build a ship, do not begin by gathering wood, cutting boards, and distributing work, but rather awaken within men the desire for the vast.
Determine if the case would go through civil court : Determine if the case would go through civil court or criminal court. Explain your reasoning.
Conflict as a tool for administration : Conflict can facilitate productivity and creativity among service providers and other staff within the organization.
Establish production within the chinese market : Discuss the best only method to use for this situation in order to establish production within the Chinese market.
How is the role different for correctional counselors : How is the role different for correctional counselors, probation officers, and social workers


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