Supply chain using managerial perspective

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132870954


Pick a mode of transportation and write about its impact on the supply chain

The approach of the paper should be from a business logistics/supply chain using a managerial perspective. Examine the literature, give examples, and provide a conclusion. Please provide appropriate sources to back-up your work. Peer-reviewed articles from the library, Government websites, and GAO reports should be used when looking for sources.

Reference no: EM132870954

Questions Cloud

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Research artificial intelligence : Research artificial intelligence and consider how it is currently being applied to support supply chains and how it can be used in the future.
Supply chain using managerial perspective : The approach of the paper should be from a business logistics/supply chain using a managerial perspective.
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How to write a business report : After reading the assigned pages from the Victoria Business School's "Example of a Finished Report," you will answer a series of questions.


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