Supply chain process of multinational organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133136457

In today's highly competitive, extremely variable and dynamic environment, many firms are seeking solutions. Supply chain management becomes more sophisticated and the difference between what firms want to achieve and what they can do in-house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that doing the right thing becomes more interesting than doing everything. Accordingly, they becoming better focused and more specialized by outsourcing and offshoring activities that are far from their core businesses. In many cases, firms decide to outsource this function in whole or in part to agents or third party logistics firms.

Using this concept of offshoring and outsourcing answer the questions by conceding any Saudi Local company or any Multinational company.


1. What are the roles of Third party logistics firms in a smooth running of Supply chain process of a multinational organization?

2. What are the motivational factors companies going internationally?

3. On what ground companies choose developing countries location for offshoring. Use examples. (Mention the country and decisive factors)

Reference no: EM133136457

Questions Cloud

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Integrating theoretical framework in dissertation research : Creating the Blueprint for Your ‘House'". Consider this a starting point of your research of potential theories.
Supply chain process of multinational organization : What are the roles of Third party logistics firms in a smooth running of Supply chain process of a multinational organization?
Organization establish social work environment : How does an organization establish a social work environment that allows organization to build good teams, establish employee engagement, and a culture of trust
About inflation have on firm cost of debt : What impact do investors' expectations about inflation have on a firm's cost of debt? Is the firm's cost of equity affected?
Mission and objectives of project : which you describe a project you have managed personally or professionally. What were the mission and objectives of the project?
Difference between applied and basic research : Knowing the difference between applied and basic research is necessary for developing an effective research study.


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