Supply chain management

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133099267


Visit the websites of three Middle Eastern companies like Al Baik, Almarai, and Emirates Airlines or any others of your choosing. Identify information on the companies' supply chain management activities.

Reference no: EM133099267

Questions Cloud

Collateral can affect bond interest rate : What are the key features of one of the bonds issued by your chosen company? Discuss how the bond's terms and collateral can affect the bond's interest rate.
Difference in expected rates of return : The difference in the expected rates of return can be attributed to the two investments and might arise due to valuation and risk.
Disaster plans : List and explain the types of items a community hospital will require and seek from the SNS in the event of a disaster.
Nissan motor company-building operational resiliency : What else could Nissan have done to prepare for and respond to the disaster? What could Nissan have done to assess the risk of disruption in their supply chain?
Supply chain management : Identify information on the companies' supply chain management activities.
Strategic operations management : This project addresses your ability to apply strategic operations management principles learned throughout the course to a company of your choice.
Impact of engaged versus disengaged employees : What is the impact of "engaged" versus "disengaged" employees on a company's profits?
About capital budgeting : Write a paper that summarizes your conclusions about capital budgeting. Explain the rationale and the effect of mutually exclusive projects.
Junior consultant for mckinsey fashion : The report should focus on new developments and research within the supply chain. define consumer facing innovation as "the commercialisation of novel ideas


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