Supply chain and logistic and inventory management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13894632 , Length:

Ikea company i want point with explanation i only want this parts

1) supply chain and logistic

2) inventory management

3) strategies for logistics and supply chain management

4) conclusion


Supply chain and logistics

Compile a draw a supply chain for one of the companies mentioned above:

• Include the supply chain flows of Information, goods and services, and finances in the supply chain.

• Include ten different logistics activities  in the supply chain. Show where they belong In the supply chain.

Which forces are driving the rate of change and how are they affecting the firm?

Sourcing and supply management

Select a specific supplier for the firm. Illustrate and briefly discuss each step of the Strategic Sourcing process and apply it to the firm that you have selected.

Customer Service and Demand Management

How is the firm deliviring its products to the point of conusmption?

Explain the dimensions of customer service and how does the firm measure  customer service? Do you think they can improve Explain she dimensions of customer service and how the firm is applying it Provide mampies of me afferent elements of customer service of ore firm and how does the firm measure customer service?

Reference no: EM13894632

Questions Cloud

Are there any shops in your area that stay open later : 1.Are there any shops in your area that stay open later than others? If so, does this affect the prices they charge? Why do you think this is?
Give three examples of oligopolistic industries : 1.Give three examples of oligopolistic industries. In what ways do the firms in each of these industries compete? Why do they choose to compete in the way that they do?
Calculate new risk exposure with using additional review. : Consider the use of an additional review for Problem 2 that would cost $100 but eliminate such a fault 50 percent of the time. Calculate this new risk exposure with using the additional review.
How many extra units are produced : he average product of labor is the total quantity of units produced divided by number of working hours. The marginal product of labor is how many extra units are produced if we add one more unit of labor:APL = q/L , MPL = Δq/ΔL
Supply chain and logistic and inventory management : Compile a draw a supply chain for one of the companies mentioned and include the supply chain flows of Information, goods and services, and finances in the supply chain - Include ten different logistics activities  in the supply chain. Show where the..
Under oligopoly, might a particular industry : 1.Why, under oligopoly, might a particular industry be collusive at one time and yet highly price competitive at another?
Market share for rudybird : Researchers at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, investigated the use of p charts Ohio to monitor the market share of a product and to document the effectiveness of marketing share of a product and to document the effectiveness of market..
Describe how google processed the changes to your document : Sign in on your second account. Re-open the shared document. From the File menu, save the document as a Word document. Describe how Google processed the changes to your document.
What would be the advantage of concerted inhibition? : what would be the advantage of concerted inhibition?


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