Supervisor that analyzes fesiability

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13974463

Business Proposal on Sexual harassment in the military.


You will write a report that provides a specific audience with a research-based solution to a problem or question related to business, technology, or the workplace. Your report should be written for a specific audience who can act on the information in the report.

It should include, at minimum, a letter/memo of transmittal, executive summary, table of contents, findings, and recommendations/conclusions. The body of your report should be at least 10 single-spaced pages (with integrated visuals). You must use a minimum of eight sources (primary and secondary) for your investigation.

The following offers some guidance on developing a topic for the Technical Research Report or Business Proposal assignment.

• Write a report for a current or past supervisor that analyzes the feasibility of implementing a specific type of training course for employees (e.g., sexual harassment training, diversity training, mediation training, sales training, etc.).

Required Length and Style

The Technical Research Report or Business Proposal has a required minimum length of 5,000 words.

It should follow American Psychological Association (APA) documentation style and include a minimum of eight sources (at least five of which are academic secondary sources).


Reference no: EM13974463

Questions Cloud

In what ways you anticipate holding your reader''s attention : What strategy do you think you'll use to construct an introduction?
Why and how the boarding schools came into existence : Explain how the authors' work and life experiences would have influenced their decisions to take a stand against boarding schools. Then Interpret the quotes explain what they mean.
Title is surprise findings : Title is Surprise Findings.  By the end of this activity you will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of individual and group differences and alliances and explain how they may be influenced by Race, Gender, Sexual orientation, age class, religi..
Write a program to implement the functions on linked lists : Write a program to implement the functions on linked lists. Assume that node structure of a singly linked list -
Supervisor that analyzes fesiability : It should follow American Psychological Association (APA) documentation style and include a minimum of eight sources (at least five of which are academic secondary sources).
Findings reported in the aarp article : Data providing the weekly pay for a sample of 50 working women are available in the file named WeeklyPay. These data are consistent with the findings reported in the AARP article.
Family regularly consumes : Staple products like milk ,bread,eggs ,butter which are bought routinely because the family regularly consumes them ,Is true or false?
Problem regarding the complementary systems : Leadership and management are two distinct but complementary systems. While managers promote stability, leaders press for change. explain what the statement mean with an aid of a practical example
What is part of the project : Discuss the statement: Failing to define what is not part of the project is just as important as failing to define what is part of the project.


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