Summary that paragraph about in history people freedom

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Reference no: EM13133748

summary that paragraph.

In history, when one group of people needs to declare itself free from another, and to become free as God and Nature intends them to be, it is necessary that they explain why they are declaring their freedom.
We believe our reasons are obvious, that all men are created equal, that God has given them certain rights which cannot be violated, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Governments are formed to protect these rights, and governments get their power from the people. Whenever one government works against human rights, the people have the right to end that government and start a new one which will bring about safety and happiness. Of course, cautions people know that old government should not be charged for minor reasons; furthermore, experience has shown that people are more willing to suffer things that are not horrible than to get rid of governments that they are used to. 

Reference no: EM13133748

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