Summary of the privacy law challenges

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133430357 , Length: 3 Pages


The final project will have a case presented below and draw upon the themes we discussed and reviewed.

At a busy multi-facility hospital, a clinical informatics researcher was tasked with reviewing 250 random patient records for quality purposes. Because she was about to miss her deadline for the case project, she downloaded the records onto her personal laptop so she could work on the project over the weekend. She put her laptop in her car trunk and met friends for dinner on the wayt a busy multi-fa home. While she was having dinner, her laptop was stolen. The data on the laptop was not random patient reg encrypted, and there was no password protection.

You will draft a concise, research-based summary of 3 pages that articulates the privacy law challenges presented in the case you selected.

Important Notes

  • You must clearly state if a violation has occurred
  • If yes, is it a reportable violation?
  • If no, why not?
  • You must provide recommendations and next steps for the person(s) and covered entities
  • You must articulate what would happen if "no action" was taken
  • You must provide your rationale for the recommendation based on the HIPPA statute
  • You are free to make up additional details about the case to develop your arguments further, but it must remain consistent with the case you've selected.

Reference no: EM133430357

Questions Cloud

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Summary of the privacy law challenges : You will draft a concise, research-based summary of 3 pages that articulates the privacy law challenges presented in the case you selected.
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