Summary of the organizations strengths and weaknesses

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Reference no: EM133597428

Question 1 - Analyze the critical internal factors that have implications for the successful implementation of SEEC organization's strategy and goals/objectives.

Question 2- What is the company's Vision, Mission, and Objectives (VMO)? Identify the company's core competencies and assess which ones are rare, costly, or not easily imitated.

Question 3- Discuss how they are related to and critical to the VMO execution.

Question 4- Present a summary of the organization's strengths and weaknesses.

Question 5- Submit the SWOT format in Table form and add some narrative to discuss the strengths and weaknesses in more detail.

Question 6- Explain the SWOT selection in a discussion (not in the table) and how they relate to the VMO and organization strategy.

Reference no: EM133597428

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