Summary of the information gathered by the poll

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13754709

Select the report of at least 2 polls taken on two different topics. (For example, the percent in favor versus opposed to abortion, the economy, a particular candidate, a certain product, etc. ) Various polls can be found at or or The polls must be recent - within the last 3 months.

Write a short paper including the following information for each individual poll: (Each poll will be worth 25 points according to the following point itemizations)

The address of the link where the polls were found. 
A complete summary of the information gathered by the poll. 
The number of individuals that were polled, if given. 
The margin of error associated with the poll. 
The confidence level associated with the poll.
The sample that was used for the poll and any bias associated with the poll. 
Use your knowledge of confidence intervals to find the confidence level used (90%, 95%, 99%) based on the margin of error and the number of individuals that participated in the poll. I want to see the computations involved in this process. If the poll included the confidence level, check the accuracy by using your own computations. Is the reported confidence level correct? 
Please provide very thorough explanations and computations for all the above information requested. I expect complete sentences that are grammatically correct. All spelling and punctuation should also be correct. 

Reference no: EM13754709

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