Reference no: EM131365521
Below is the prompt for Unit Exam IV which is on based on both books by Reza Asian;
- The assignment Is to be done individually, and not In collaboration with anyone in or outside of this course;
- MT Due: In Class on Thursday, January 19th (Week 3).
Essay will consist of the following:
Write a 2 page compare & contrast summary incorporating both of Reza Asian's books. You must use both books. Do not exceed 2 pages of text.
1. Which textual themes do not overlap? (one full page with no less than 4 parenthetical references);
2. Do you agree or disagree with the information presented in both books? You are required to defend your position in this section with logical arguments. (one full page with no less than 4 parenthetical references).
- Use 12 size font, Times Roman;
- Doubled spaced;
- 1 inch margins all around
- Type only your name on the top right hand corner: last name first, first name;
- Use title: Unit ly_EsseY Exam. Insgitthis title on thsame as your neme,_after your name
- NO Quotes Allowed;
- Use nct.te_ss than 8 parenthetical references from both books throughout the paper (4 on page one, 4 on page two);
- Parenthetical references need to be in MLA format;
- Divide your paper using page numbers 1, 2;
- Include a Works Cited page ( there should be only two entries, one for each of Asian's books)
This assignment is a compare and contrast summary using review.