Summary for riordans executive management team

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13751425

Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary for Riordan's executive management team with respect to the supply chain required for manufacturing the new perfume bottles. Consider the following:

Riordan has completed a high-level strategic business initiative to leverage their supply chain as a competitive advantage to improve customer satisfaction.

Riordan performed a market analysis and decided to create a new line of bottles. This new line consists of plastic perfume bottles with an unusual design. Riordan's management team has completed a business model design and financial analysis of the new line of bottles and is ready for the next phase of the business model process: the business model implementation plan.

The Learning Team represents Riordan's supply chain team and is responsible for completing the business model implementation plan. Using the provided Business Model Implementation Plan Checklist, write an executive summary to Riordan's executive management team for the new bottles. Include any additional items that may concern Riordan and document all assumptions.

Reference no: EM13751425

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