Summarizing three basic premises of modern conservatism

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Reference no: EM133457563


Much of the public discourse about public policies is grounded in ideological terms, i.e., conservative vs. liberals. After briefly summarizing objectively three basic premises of modern conservatism and modern liberalism, discuss whether the conservative/liberal policy typology is a useful way to describe and analyze policy. Why or why not? What are the benefits and shortcomings of labeling an idea, organization, or a person as a liberal or conservative? Would other typologies be more useful and productive? See Birkland to answer the last question. Tip: Ideology is not very useful for policy analysis, however, it is useful in political election campaigns: Why?

Helpful Tip: Be sure to study and understand what a "typology" is and what it does. You can't answer the question without this information.

Do not confuse classic liberalism with contemporary liberalism. Also, students like to use the concepts of freedom and liberty when discussing liberalism. Consider all the possible meanings and consequences of these words.

Reference no: EM133457563

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