Reference no: EM133213934
Question: Note taking suggests using the writing style of the way that people talk to each other, like in everyday conversations. You gather all the information then write it into a comprehensive report from your notes. Recalling the situation and your documentation/notes are crucial in this area. Note taking writing is basic and necessary words that can be later translated into the report. Note taking requires fast paced writing while taking efficient, important notes and trying to absorb everything. Writing style has to be accurate and simple as well. Some essential things to remember are leaving room in your notes, documenting all keywords, try to keep things in chronological order, summarizing right after an event while your memory is fresh, clear, concise words, good penmanship, organized, etc.
Report writing needs to highlight professionalism and objectivity at the same time. This style of writing avoids personal opinions and speculation, keeping personal opinions and theories out of the actual facts that are in the present moment. "Make your report writing better and you'll survive any courtroom challenge" (Tarte, 2013). It is basically a narrative case that comes from gathering the notes from note taking. "The emphasis of the narrative report is on presenting clear, concise, and comprehensive information that is grammatically correct and understandable to readers with a wide variety of educational levels" (ONLINE BOOK CITE). This document will be presented in the courtroom so it has to comply with standard guidelines of comprehension and grammar. The writing style is more like telling a story and the background of the situation in a professional manner. It helps to paint the picture of the scenario and helps those that were not there, an idea of what went down.
Some improper ways of writing are using abstract words, neglecting your agency's requirements, using police jargon, running on sentences, quotations everywhere, guessing or deductive statements, etc.
Like all things, this will take practice and some learning and that is okay. "It is important to be generous with sharing expertise and seeking opportunities to sharpen skills and expand knowledge. This will benefit the individual's reports, as well as the organization and fellow officers" (FBI, 2017). In order to learn more, we have to venture out and learn new things. We have to practice in order to become better and that means starting from somewhere. "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17, NIV).
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Summarizing right after an event while your memory is fresh
: keep things in chronological order, summarizing right after an event while your memory is fresh, clear, concise words, good penmanship, organized, etc.
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