Summarizes the main points of each of the three articles

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM133747910

Discussion Post: Sports Finance & Economics

The student will select three articles from the weekly reading list. Each student will take the three articles and write a critical analysis paper that should be a 3 minimum pages, not including title page. Points will be taken off if these items are not closely adhered. Each analysis must integrate the information provided in the readings. Examples will be given as well as what a critical analysis is.

Each analysis must have the following components:

Introduction - identifies, explain, and summarizes the main points of each of the three articles. Body Paragraph - should synthesize the main points by comparing and analyzing the particular components of each of the selected articles. For instance, in an analysis would provide specific examples of similarities and/or differences the author(s) discuss in the respective article. Conclusion- the main purpose of the conclusion should be to emphasize your assessment of the major points of the article and generate perceptions regarding the future direction the issue may take given the current state of the industry.

Reference no: EM133747910

Questions Cloud

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Summarizes the main points of each of the three articles : Examples will be given as well as what a critical analysis is. Introduction- identifies, explain, and summarizes the main points of each of the three articles.
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What are the characteristics of a correlational study : What are the advantages and disadvantages of the study method you chose (case-control or cohort study)? What are the characteristics of a correlational study?
Describe the different types of impression evidence : Briefly describe the different types of impression evidence. Explain how you would document, preserve, and collect a 3D footwear impression from a crime scene.
Discuss tips for supervising new and experienced officers. : Provide techniques for improving employee morale within the police department. Discuss tips for supervising new and experienced officers.


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